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    azif's Avatar
    azif Posts: 96, Reputation: 22
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    Oct 10, 2009, 03:57 PM

    Think it was in another thread, look into a mirror each day and tell yourself that you are okay with who you are and will work to being a better person

    Then do yhour work/read a book/ watch a movie/ learn an instrument/ etc
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 10, 2009, 08:51 PM

    Well, here I am. I spent this whole day alone. I went to work and came home. I mostly spent my time in bed since I was sick but I did get to hang out with this one girl for a while. I played the guitar and browsed the web. I did not feel lonely nor was I sad but I did not enjoy it either. I wish I could have done something more active with a friend or (ex partner). But life is such and I need to get used to this. This is so different and I do not know if I like it at all. I enjoy the time I have to myself but I enjoyed time with my ex even more.
    paxe's Avatar
    paxe Posts: 793, Reputation: 158
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    Oct 10, 2009, 10:10 PM

    You have to live your life as it is, it is still new for you so you're adjusting. It's OK to go out but leave some time for yourself to just chill out alone doing whatever you want to do. Learning to live alone is not easy in the beginning but after a while things do get better.

    I prefer my life now then when I was with my ex. I have girls chasing me but I don't care too much about finding a partner right now.
    white-rose's Avatar
    white-rose Posts: 69, Reputation: 9
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    Oct 10, 2009, 11:35 PM

    Wow you seem like a very nice compassionate man, which is very hard to find. It hurts there is no possible way it would not hurt when a love ends, especially when you are the one still in love. I believe it is one of the most excruciating feelings to endure, it is almost as if someone has died. Despite the fact that you might believe these feelings will never subside, they will. If it takes weeks, months, it will pass, everyday it will be easier to move on. Everyday your heart will become a little more healed, and your thoughts of her will become less and less, even if thinking of her 23 hours of the day lessens to 22 you will slowly make progress. Eventually you will learn to live life without her, because time heals almost everything. You will learn that there are others out there for you, even if it doesn't seem that way now there is. Someone like you, with obviously so much love and compassion to give, will have no problem finding another to love and love you back. Stay strong hun and realize that with losing someone you love, can never be healed by anything but time. Good luck and please know that there is someone else out there to love and love you. Imagine what you felt when you were with her and know you will feel that again one day.
    white-rose's Avatar
    white-rose Posts: 69, Reputation: 9
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    Oct 10, 2009, 11:49 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by A4Effort View Post
    It probably would if I wasn't at work right now. I know these feelings will go away soon. This a low and a high will come really soon. I know what I need to do and I know it will get better in the end. My brain is telling me all of this but my heart is telling me otherwise.

    I miss not having someone to confine it, someone who I could hug and kiss after a long day. I miss not having someone to be intimate with and share a bond of love. I miss not being challanged by my partner in many ways. I miss how good she made me feel. I miss the adventures we went on, the philosophical discussions, cooking dinner together, going out and having fun, creating art, going to yoga/martial arts, going to concerts, and the list goes on. I do not have anyone to share this with.

    I am alone and even though I am surrounded by friends and family I still feel alone. My roomates are nice guys but all they think about is getting "laid." They are the typical college guys and I am not. I look for meaningful relationships not a one night stand.

    She was beautiful, smart, honest, and confident as one could be. She viewed everyone as equals and never judged. She was a woman not a college girl. Her family was amazing and they accepted me as one of them. We went on vacations together, shared religous events, and learned from each other.

    All of this is gone. I know I'll find someone else. I know life goes on. I know I will heal. I know everything. But my heart still is shattered. How will I find another woman who is similar to her? 90% of college girls are not ready for what I want.

    This is so difficult. I do not understand how weak I can be. I am have conquered anything and everything without ever shedding a tear. I always been able to swallow my feelings and forget them. I cannot do this now.

    This is my low.
    You would be surprised at how many college girls are looking for someone like you, I almost think it is the reverse, do you know how hard it is to find a college guy who wants a long term committed relationship? Most women want a relationship and love not to get laid, which no offense is most guys (note I said MOST). Have you tried dating anyone else? Maybe that would not be such a good idea considering the mental dependency you still seem to have for her, but it is worth a shot. There are lots of beautiful girls with wonderful personalities out there, who ARE looking for relationships and love, even though they are in college.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 07:19 AM

    Thank you for you comments white-rose. Yeah there are others out there and I already met some. I just need to take things slow and work on myself so that I am ready to date again. Also, right now I just enjoy getting the attention from others. I also agree with you that time will heal my feelings and this is still a very fresh wound. There is a lot of adjustment that needs to be done now but hopefully in the end it will be worth and I will find another woman to love. She might even be committed to me and not think about dating others while she is in a relationship with he. Haha
    paxe's Avatar
    paxe Posts: 793, Reputation: 158
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    Oct 11, 2009, 08:34 AM

    I enjoy getting attention too, lol! Knowing that girls are interested in us can make us feel better about ourselves and I used that a lot. Flirting a bit is great as long as you don't show you want something serious.
    You're a great dude you just need to control your emotions and actions... by hoping you are NOT going to break NC yet again *sigh*.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 09:21 AM

    Yeah, I'm not the best at keeping NC hence why I keep hurting myself. But I am getting better slowly each day.
    bswc's Avatar
    bswc Posts: 197, Reputation: 22
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    Oct 11, 2009, 09:41 AM
    That's the right spirit, emotions are emotions and they might just get in your path but taking bit by bit is still progress!
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 01:24 PM

    Wow, I can't stand this emotional roller coaster. One minute I'm fine and the other I am a mess. I miss her so much right now. I cannot believe I lost someone so beautiful as her. She was perfect in every way. Yes we had an issue here and there but no relationship is perfect. I am having such a hard time accepting the fact that she is out of my life. I would do anything to get this girl back but I can't. I need to be strong and stay away from her. Just like many people mentioned she is like a drug and I am going through withdrawal now that I do not have her anymore. If you all only knew her and what type of woman she was. Any man who falls in love with her will be one lucky man because she has so much to offer. She can make you feel like a million bucks in every way. I miss her and I wish every night to myself that one day she comes back. I hate these lows.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 11, 2009, 02:42 PM
    If it helps any, I have let many a fine women slip through my greedy hands. I kick myself every time and vow, "Never again"!! But it only takes one who comes along to change that and today, I am truly grateful for being butter fingered in the past.

    Sometimes though the what ifs, and close calls, haunt you. It passes quicker now than it use to.

    Kudos for not getting carried away by passing emotions, and feelings. Expressing them here is a lot better than dwelling to long, so back to the game, >sigh<.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 02:57 PM
    Yeah, I think expressing these feelings somewhere helps a lot instead of having to dwell on them. I decided to go to the gym to work some of these emotions out.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 11, 2009, 03:45 PM

    Excellent decision, say hello to someone new while your there.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 04:06 PM

    Its funny that you say that because on my way back from the gym I stopped in the kitchen that is located on our floor to get some water and introduced myself to 2 girls that were chatting in there. The workout helped a little with the emotions. I am not really depressed or sad. But I am not really all that happy either. I am in this between stage were everything feels new and strange.

    But since we have broken up I have been trying to become a better man in every way. I bought myself a guitar and started learning how to play it. I started going back to the gym to bulk up and just made sure that I learned from the mistakes that I made in this relationship. My only worry though is that she was my first real relationship. I never really dated anyone before. I have no problem meeting girls and having them be interested in me but I just have not been in many relationships. I worry now that I will not find another relationship and if I did find one that it would not be as good as my past one.

    I mean, I am confident in who I am in almost every way. I dress well, I am in great shape (6-7&#37; body fat), I have many talents, and am very comfortable with the opposite sex. I just do not know why I am lacking confidence in myself right now. I think it is because of my past and how in high school not many people were interested in dating me. I think that has stuck with me and affects me now.

    I have met one girl though. She is beautiful in every way (personality, looks, etc... ) I feel though she is out of my league though because she is a graduate student and I am still a junior in college (undergrad). Also, I met her through a friend of mine who is in the same grad program as her. This friend of mine is totally into me so I can't just go up to her and ask her questions about her cute friend. I am not ready to date either yet since I am still working on myself but this girl is so beautiful.
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    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 11, 2009, 05:08 PM

    Ya know, when guys get carried away by their attractions, they want more, and then they act more like suitors trying to impress, than friends who pay attention. Let them be impressed and want more, then all you have to do is pay attention, and just be your happy charming self.

    Talaniman Rule-Never express interest in a female to her friends, you don't need the drama of having them to into your business. Keep 'em guessing and wondering. Just keep paying attention.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 05:25 PM

    I will try that. I mean the only times I see the cute one is when I am hanging with the other grad student. I have no idea how to approach her since I barely know her. But her beauty just swept me off my feet. It definitely made me realize that there are other fish in the sea.
    A4Effort's Avatar
    A4Effort Posts: 486, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 11, 2009, 07:02 PM

    I have no idea why my mind can't stop wondering about my ex. I am doing everything right. I went to the gym, played the guitar, and focused on my homework. Her image is burned into my mind. I remember all those precious moments we had together. I remember the warmth of her body as we cuddled into bed every night. I remember the in depth conversations we had about our lives and what we went through. I remember the gaze she gave me as we became intimate. I remember her soft touch as she kissed me in the mornings. I remember her beautiful voice as she sang every morning while getting ready. I remember all the wonderful hours spent together embraced in each others arms. My life was complete with her. She meant the world to me and still to this day does. Knowing that she is/will be soon with another man will destroy any remaining parts of my heart.

    I know, I know. I need to let her go and focus on myself. I need to build myself up and let go. I need learn how to be alone again and be OK with it. I know all this but the fact is I just want to be with her.

    I am feeling sick to my stomach again. The more I think about us the more I realize what I could have done to make our relationship better. I could have been more adventurous and been more interested in her interests. I could have taken her rock climbing more. Listened more to music she preferred. What a dumba** I am. But now she is gone.
    paxe's Avatar
    paxe Posts: 793, Reputation: 158
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    Oct 11, 2009, 11:05 PM

    I guess you know, but I had diarrhea for 2 weeks after my break up. Even 5 month later I'm still thinking of her in those terms but it doesn't hurt that much. There is nothing wrong you're doing. Just keep doing everything you are doing.

    Isn't the feelings dimming down though? You have to stop putting her on a pedestal, you are a super dude who deserves the best. It's her loss and your gain, literally. You also need to understand you are missing the affection, not her.
    Yosomoton213's Avatar
    Yosomoton213 Posts: 174, Reputation: 45
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    Oct 11, 2009, 11:19 PM

    Buddy, it sucks. That's the hard part of the breakup. When my ex and I broke up for the FIRST time (I say first because I was stupid enough to take her back 4 more times... ) I couldn't eat or sleep for weeks. I was a zombie. I felt like a complete loser, myself esteem was shot, and I was a wreck.

    However, now is a different story. You have to be patient with yourself, be forgiving. Part of loving yourself is understanding your weaknesses, as well as your strengths. Your feelings will ebb and flow like the tide. Some days you will feel like a "new man", chatting up girls, and discovering how awesome single life is. Some other days, you will be lonely and bored, and your mind will flash back to the good times with the ex.

    In my opinion, you're doing fine. You're still in the shock/denial stage, but you're slowly getting into the bargaining stage... where you realize what you did wrong, and you want to fix it to make it all better. You think there's still a slight chance of getting back together, and everything will be bliss like it was. Eventually, you will accept the breakup is final, and move on.

    I've been broken up with 5 TIMES by the same girl! Hahaha, you don't want that to happen to you, do you?

    Just let the natural progression take its course. Keep your head up, don't cry in your beer, and stay focused on building yourself back up. You're doing all the right things, just trust in the fact that eventually things will be much, much better.
    white-rose's Avatar
    white-rose Posts: 69, Reputation: 9
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    Oct 12, 2009, 05:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by A4Effort View Post
    Thank you for you comments white-rose. Yeah there are others out there and I already met some. I just need to take things slow and work on myself so that I am ready to date again. Also, right now I just enjoy getting the attention from others. I also agree with you that time will heal my feelings and this is still a very fresh wound. There is a lot of adjustment that needs to be done now but hopefully in the end it will be worth and I will find another woman to love. She might even be committed to me and not think about dating others while she is in a relationship with he. haha
    There are lots of women out there in college looking for relationships. I know this because I am in college and have been in a happy four year relationship. Being that I have so many girlfriends, I know what most of them are looking for. My friends want stable relationships with nice guys, and a lot of girls in college who sleep around blah blah... in the end want romantic relationships to a man they can come home to every night. Yes A4Effort I feel very sympathetic towards you, because I am still in a relationship with my first love, so I could not imagine how terrible losing him would be. Being that she was your first love, I can see how hard it would be to move on, because she is the only person you experienced love with, you must be apprehensive to thinking you could find love with anyone else. And of course, you will, YOU WILL.

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