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    galveston's Avatar
    galveston Posts: 451, Reputation: 60
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    Apr 4, 2009, 11:56 AM

    I can't help wonder what would have happened if the CEO of GM had just said "no" when he was "asked to resign".

    It seems to me that Obama would have been in a corner. He would have then had to go to the courts and prove he has the authority to do such thing.

    I expect not all CEO's will ba as co-operative. Or at least, they SHOULDN'T be!
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Apr 28, 2009, 01:44 PM
    What is going on in this country? The government is about to take over GM in a plan that completely screws private bondholders and favors the unions. Get this: The GM bondholders own $27 billion and they’re getting 10 percent of the common stock in an expected exchange. And the UAW owns $10 billion of the bonds and they’re getting 40 percent of the stock. Huh? Did I miss something here? And Uncle Sam will have a controlling share of the stock with something close to 50 percent ownership. And no bankruptcy judge. So this is a political restructuring run by the White House, not a rule-of-law bankruptcy-court reorganization.
    Sigh... this sucks. Coming soon, your Obamobile purchased through your Obamabank to drive you to your Obamastretician appointment. Welcome to Obamaland.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    May 1, 2009, 04:57 AM

    Laugh of the week . Wednesday the President said with a straight face.
    "I want to disabuse people of this notion that somehow we enjoy, you know, meddling in the private sector,"

    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    May 1, 2009, 06:05 AM

    Hello tom:

    Let me disabuse our readers of the notion that the RIGHTWING believes in privacy. It is true, they don't care what goes on in the BOARDROOM - those people can screw you. They're interested in what you do in your BEDROOM. If there's any abnormal screwing going on there, they want to know!!

    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    May 1, 2009, 07:11 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello tom:

    Let me disabuse our readers of the notion that the RIGHTWING believes in privacy. It is true, they don't care what goes on in the BOARDROOM - those people can screw you. They're interested in what you do in your BEDROOM. If there's any abnormal screwing going on there, they wanna know!!!

    Actually, excon, you have it wrong (again). If there is any abnormals screwing going on in the bedroom, we DON'T want to know. We don't want it made public. We don't want it codified into law. We don't want it acknowledged in law. What goes on in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom, and not be brought up in very public venues like the courts, public demonstrations, etc. Unfortunately, it is those who do the "abnormal screwing" who want to make it public, not us. WE want it kept OUT of the limelight.

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    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    May 1, 2009, 07:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post
    Actually, excon, you have it wrong (again). If there is any abnormals screwing going on in the bedroom, we DON'T want to know. We don't want it made public. We don't want it codified into law.
    Hello again, El:

    Wrong? Me?? Dude!

    If you don't want abnormal screwing codified into law, why do you pass laws that punish those who screw abnormally from you?

    Dude! Did you misplace your "family values", or do you just want to SOUND liberal - which, of course, is the fair, just, and good argument?

    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 07:46 AM
    Exactly right, Elliot. Case in point here.

    By the way, ex, are you saying there is no place for the law in sexual behavior? No limits?
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    May 1, 2009, 07:48 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Exactly right, Elliot. Case in point here.

    By the way, ex, are you saying there is no place for the law in sexual behavior? No limits?
    Please post your pornography in another forum. There are children here.
    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    May 1, 2009, 07:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, El:

    Wrong? Me?? Dude!
    Don't get me started, ex. Do you want the long list?

    If you don't want abnormal screwing codified into law, why do you pass laws that punish those who screw abnormally from you?
    I don't think it should have been. Those who did it were overstepping their bounds.

    Dude! Did you misplace your "family values", or do you just want to SOUND liberal - which, of course, is the fair, just, and good argument?

    Bite your tongue.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 08:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Please post your pornography in another forum. There are children here.
    Sometimes you unwittingly stumble toward the point. It ain't MY pornography. That's the kind of public sexual deviancy that SHOULD be proscribed by law with severe penalties for a violation, but the left thinks it's OK to throw their perversion in our faces instead of keeping it in the bedroom in private where it belongs.

    But if you're not old enough to read the huge red warning on the linked page you should stick to the kiddie pages.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    May 1, 2009, 08:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    It ain't MY pornography. That's the kind of public sexual deviancy that SHOULD be proscribed by law with severe penalties for a violation, but the left thinks it's OK to throw their perversion in our faces instead of keeping it in the bedroom in private where it belongs.
    Dude, there's porn all over the internet, how is that the "left"'s problem?? How does porn on the internet lead you to believe that the "left" is throwing it in your face??
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 09:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Dude, there's porn all over the internet, how is that the "left"'s problem???? How does porn on the internet lead you to believe that the "left" is throwing it in your face????
    Do I really have to explain it? Pay attention, NK. My point has NOTHING to do with internet porn, the internet was merely the vehicle of reporting the story. The images are of an annual live, public celebration of gay sex in San Francisco. How many conservatives do you suppose take part in the Folsom Street Fair and how much more in your face does it get than to have group sex in public?

    I'm sure everyone else here gets it, I bet you even get it and just choose to deviate from the point rather than face the fact that I'm right.
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    May 1, 2009, 09:20 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    The images are of an annual live, public celebration of gay sex in San Francisco.
    Doesn't that happen during republican presidencies as well?
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 09:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Doesn't that happen during republican presidencies as well?
    From the link.

    W A R N I N G

    The report you are about to view of the 2007 Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco contains newsworthy images of people engaged in sexual behavior in public. Although these images are not intended to be pornographic, some people may regard them as such. Because of this, only adults age 18 or over may view the images on the following page. By clicking on the button below, you agree that:

    - You are at least 18 years old, and are legally regarded as an adult in the jurisdiction where you reside;

    - You have consented to view images that you know to be sexual in nature;

    - You are not easily offended by nudity and sexual situations, and will not later claim that you weren't sufficiently warned;

    - You are viewing these images of your own volition having received due notice.
    Yes, I believe Bush was president then. What the heck is your point? Do you just enjoy making meaningless, irrelevant posts?
    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    May 1, 2009, 09:29 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Doesn't that happen during republican presidencies as well?
    Oh... my... G-d... are you really that dense?

    I have never seen not heard of a Republican or Conservative of any kind being involved in a public celebration of gay sex.

    Liberals and Democrats are the ones who make such public displays. THEY are the ones who bring sex out into the public. WE REPUBLICANS AND CONSERVATIVES want to keep sex private.

    Are you really that incapable of following Speech's argument?

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    May 1, 2009, 09:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post
    I have never seen not heard of a Republican or Conservative of any kind being involved in a public celebration of gay sex.
    How do you know that none of those people are republicans?

    I'll agree with you that republicans are more of the hypocrite type - they prefer their gay sex in bathroom stalls and with meth addicts but they will preach against homosexuality while doing it. How conflicting.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 09:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    How do you know that none of those people are republicans?

    I'll agree with you that republicans are more of the hypocrite type - they prefer their gay sex in bathroom stalls and with meth addicts but they will preach against homosexuality while doing it. How conflicting.
    LOL, sometimes you blow just blow our minds, NK... and trust me, that's not a good thing for you.

    Some of them may be conservatives (the word I used). Some may be Republicans (the word you used). The question was, "How many conservatives do you suppose take part in the Folsom Street Fair and how much more in your face does it get than to have group sex in public?"

    Will you answer the question or not?

    P.S. I'd much rather have hypocrites that keep their sex to themselves than perverts that flaunt it in public.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    May 1, 2009, 10:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    "How many conservatives do you suppose take part in the Folsom Street Fair
    The people there are probably representative of the conservative/liberal ratio of the general public.

    Before you think that conservatives have the higher moral ground:
    Republican Sex Offenders

    Green Bay GOP Party Chair indicted on child sex crimes | Uppity Wisconsin

    Republican values create child molesters

    Republican presidential campaign official Matthew Joseph Elliott was convicted of sexual exploitation of a child.

    Republican Party Chairman Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child.

    Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison was arrested for soliciting sex from a 5-year old girl, then killed himself three weeks later. At the time of his arrest, Atchison was an "assistant U.S. attorney" appointed by President Bush's attorney general.

    Republican city councilman John Bryan killed himself after police began investigating allegations that he had molested three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15.

    Republican legislator Ted Klaudt was charged with raping girls under the age of 16.

    Republican city councilman Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls.

    Republican congressional aide Jeffrey Nielsen was arrested for having sex with a 14-year old boy.

    Republican County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire surrendered to police after allegedly molesting girls between the ages of 8 and 13.

    Republican prosecutor Larry Corrigan was arrested for soliciting sex from 13-year old girls.

    Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced to 275 days in jail for molesting two boys -- ages ten and 12 -- during a six-year period.

    Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl and killed himself three days later.

    Republican Congressman Mark Foley abruptly resigned from Congress after "sexually explicit" emails surfaced showing him flirting with a 16-year old boy.

    Republican executive Randall Casseday of the conservative Washington Times newspaper pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from a 13-year old girl on the internet.

    Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl.

    Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd pleaded guilty to charges of soliciting sex from an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.

    Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

    Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.

    Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.

    Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano pleaded guilty to fondling a 14-year-old girl.

    Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.

    Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.

    Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

    Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.

    Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

    Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

    Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

    Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was convicted of molesting an underage teenage boy and sentenced to serve six to 18 months in prison.

    Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

    Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

    Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

    Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

    Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

    Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

    Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

    Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was sentenced to six years in prison for molesting two 8-year old girls, one of whom appeared in an anti-Gore television commercial.

    Republican fundraiser Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

    Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

    Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

    Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

    Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

    Republican campaign chairman Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child and was arrested again five years later on the same charge.

    Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

    Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

    Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer.

    Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

    Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

    Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
    Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

    Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

    Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced prison after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

    Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.

    Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

    Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

    Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

    Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

    Republican legislator Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

    Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was found guilty of molesting a 15-year old girl.

    Republican County Councilman Keola Child's pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

    Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

    Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

    Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

    Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

    Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

    Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

    Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

    Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

    Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

    Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

    Republican campaign worker, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend Steve Aiken was convicted of having sex with two underage girls.

    Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

    Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer.

    Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr. was found guilty of raping a 15-year old girl. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

    Republican Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the rape of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate their parents into providing information about the anti-American insurgency. See excerpt of one prisoner's report here and his full report here.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    May 1, 2009, 10:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    The people there are probably representative of the conservative/liberal ratio of the general public.

    Before you think that conservatives have the higher moral ground:
    Republican Sex Offenders

    Green Bay GOP Party Chair indicted on child sex crimes | Uppity Wisconsin

    Republican values create child molesters
    What you fail to acknowledge is that the difference between libs and conservatives is libs celebrate their perverts.

    Are you going to answer my question or not? Can you can't focus long enough to stay on the point? The question was, "How many conservatives do you suppose take part in the Folsom Street Fair and how much more in your face does it get than to have group sex in public?"
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    May 1, 2009, 10:14 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    What you fail to acknowledge is that the difference between libs and conservatives is libs celebrate their perverts.

    Are you going to answer my question or not? Can you can't focus long enough to stay on the point? The question was, "How many conservatives do you suppose take part in the Folsom Street Fair and how much more in your face does it get than to have group sex in public?"
    I answered your question. Are you slow today? :)

    Can you show me how "libs celebrate their perverts"?

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