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    enigmagnetic's Avatar
    enigmagnetic Posts: 333, Reputation: 45
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    Jul 31, 2008, 03:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sammie66
    My friend think her new boyfriend looks like "an ape". It's good to be childish sometimes.

    I just miss her, but I know I can't see her. She'll realise her mistake one day. She'll be 86 and her bf (now husband) will die on her. I'll have the last laugh because I have long life in my family! My gran is 100+

    There, so I guess it's CASE CLOSED then. You will live a good life find someone better than she ever will be and she can stick with mr. ape man. Time to move on my good man!
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 31, 2008, 11:47 PM
    I miss her so much. She's made a huge mistake. I wish my feelings would just go, but I guess they won't. I'll just have to deal with them.

    I just wonder if I was the rebound for her previous boyfriend. As far as I know she had been single for a while, but the way we met - we were in a club and her cousin came over and told her to chat to her makes me think she was maybe still depressed about someone. Maybe she is one of these idiots that jump from one relationship to another without ever learning anything.

    Two things are keeping me going

    1) I know I always did the right thing and even though I've made mistakes, my heart has always been in the right place.
    2) She is happy with her new relationship. It kills me that she's chosen to be with someone else, but if he makes her happier than me, then who am I to deny her happiness.

    Nice guys finish last I guess.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 1, 2008, 04:51 AM
    Stop being a nice guy, and just be a good one. The best skill a guy can have is knowing when you can't win, and bow out gracefully.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 1, 2008, 09:14 AM
    She's just frustrated me so much. She never said a word when I did things to upset her. I even knew I had done wrong sometimes but I just wanted her to be angry or to say something to me. It was like having one of those Buckingham Palace guards as a girlfriend and whatever I did she didn't flinch at all until she just had enough and quit.

    Arguments are healthy. It shows you care but anything I did to upset her must've just made her really sad and she bottled it up. She's an idiot because I know how much she loved me and I know how much I loved her - she just didn't give us a hope in hell of anything long term because she was too scared of upsetting me. She's far too insecure.

    I just miss her so much and the time we had together was just the best thing ever to have happened to me. I know there will be others, but I've just never met anybody like her. Nobody has ever lived up to my "perfect woman" as much as her. Or the "old" her anyway.

    I still feel down about it. I'm constantly trying to stay positive but she was everything to me and now I'm nothing to her.
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    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 2, 2008, 06:38 AM
    She's just a spineless idiot and I deserve so much better. Could I take her back? Doubt it.

    She just ruined something that was too good to be true. And now I realise it wasn't true.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 2, 2008, 07:20 AM
    You really making way too much of a 7 month try out.

    You tried it, it didn't work out, so keep it moving!!
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 2, 2008, 07:46 AM
    It's the kind of person I am. I commit myself to things too much and obsess. I truly loved her and the way it has ended has really affected me. I thought I was getting over her 2 weeks after it happened and was doing fine with NC. Then she sent that "I had a dream about you text" which just messed me up.

    I'm nearly there though. Have had no urges to text or read her myspace etc. I still miss her though and hate feeling like we won't talk again. Maybe I'll bump into her in a year and my feelings will have gone.

    I'm still gutted that it didn't work out. I still have no idea what happened. I truly thought she was my soulmate. I've never met anyone who I've felt such an instant bond with. Almost like we were separated at birth. I guess each relationship in the future will feel like that in some way though. Hopefully the next isn't too far away.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 2, 2008, 07:59 PM
    So something really annoyed (rather than upset) me tonight.

    My ex was on a birthday night out - I knew because she invited my sis in law but she declined. I also knew she'd end up in the club I always go to because that was our regular hang out. I went to another club purely to avoid her but then thought " F it, we're bound to bump into each other sometime" so I went to this place with my mates.

    So I see her group in fancy dress but not her. I see her boyfriend and HIS mates (not hers that I had met) and he spots me, but I ignore him and concentrate on my friends. As the night continues I keep one eye on the action...

    Over the whole night, he is with his mates all the time and never goes near her (I know where she is because I see her sister). Now when I was with her I never left her side.

    Things I got moaned at for were me not texting enough, or sending messages online enough. With him, it's funny that he doesn't text a lot etc.

    So with me she was incredibly needy and I never showed her enough attention, but with him, she's happy to go along with him giving her little.

    Any explanations because I'm at a loss. The only thing I can assume is that because she has moved in with him, she has gotten over her insecurities.

    If this is true then it sucks because I almost asked her to move in before we split up.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 2, 2008, 08:21 PM
    She has moved on and you haven't, so she has more to distract her, and you haven't.

    People interact differently with each other as you will find once you have let go and gotten prepared for whatever else life throws at you.

    Don't worry, you will move past this eventually. My first major break up was as traumatic to me as yours is, but once you find out you have the capacity as a human to cope with your own feelings, you will be much better at putting things in a healthy perspective and actually thrive on it.

    That's just life. It is what it is.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 3, 2008, 04:27 AM
    I guess I just made her feel insecure.

    I'm sad it has to come to us not being able to talk. I'll text her happy birthday. That might show no hard feelings.

    He maybe was a rebound at the start but I probably helped push them together because I was texting her so much.

    Our relationship died the minute she took that bar job. It wasn't going anywhere because we didn't get any quality time together.

    Why is it that the nice guys get sh*t on. I loved her so much and this guy just doesn't have half of whar I have.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2008, 12:34 AM
    I think we had entered the stage where the honeymoon period had ended and rather than work through the issues, she decided she wanted the thrill of a new relationship.

    I was realistic and although it wasn't as exciting, I knew I wanted to stay with this girl forever. She's obviously not ready to commit to working through a relationship.

    She'll probably end up making the same mistakes in this one, or get stuck in something she doesn't want because she's jumped in too quick.

    I thought I was the emotionally immature one in the relationship
    Ithappenstoall's Avatar
    Ithappenstoall Posts: 363, Reputation: 37
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    Aug 4, 2008, 09:27 AM
    Time will tell, but try and move on . That is what I am trying to do and it is hard but it has to be done. I sometimes start thinking about it and stat asking myself why, how can she do this, what does she see in him, does she stll think of me, doesn't she remember what I did, what we had, etc... But the more I did that the more I saw that I couldn't answer any of this and it would be taking me a step back instead of forward. You need to be strong at that point and try and tell yourself to block it. I have come to see that there is the rational side of you and the emotional side. The way your acting is the emotional side coming out because you are hurt. YOu need to try and bring out the rational side which will calm you , what I mean is that you need to see what you really saw in her. Idont know if I am clear but for example the rational would be is she compatbile with me, is she smart, socialize with all my close friends, makes the effort, is she selfish , controlling. I'm sure at times she would get on your nerves and you need to try and pictures those moments and see frm there.
    Trust me when I say this I am more or less going through the same but need to be strong. The hell with them, YOU ARE BETTER THAN HER.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2008, 11:59 AM
    To be honest, I think the job changed her. Not that I am a snob or anything, but it is a very unclassy place, i.e. a rough bar where you see stupid young girls all tarted up and stupid guys who think with their *****.

    If she wants to be hanging around with those types of people then so be it. I saw a photo of her birthday fancy dress, and the costume she was wearing was very tacky and not like her at all. I just wonder where the nice classy intelligent girl I knew went to.

    She's welcome to her new boyfriend. She can have a life where she struggles to get through the week if she wants. At least I know I'll never struggle for money.

    It's like when you see a marriage fail and the husband suddenly has a motorbike and a dumb blonde on his arm. Our relationship has failed and now she has her rough biker boyfriend. I guess it's because you want to get as far away from what you had and get some excitement to take your mind off things. Who knows whether it lasts. It probably will.

    It's just stupid because I could see it coming when she took the job. She does ridiculous hours at that place. It's basically taken over her life. You hear about bar staff having romances all the time. It's mad. I'm just annoyed to have fallen for someone who has turned into a stereotype.
    Ithappenstoall's Avatar
    Ithappenstoall Posts: 363, Reputation: 37
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    Aug 4, 2008, 10:36 PM
    Hey man I know what you mean, my ex has completely changed. From the girl who use to like coming home and chilling she became this party animal who has to go out drink. Also the kind of music she started listening to was the kind of music I always liked but she would always judge me for it. Now guess what she listen to that stuff. People change, not if it a tempory phse you will not know, again time will tell. Do your thing in the mean time, that s what I am trying to do
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2008, 11:46 PM
    It just makes me think that she was never her true self with me and everything was a lie. I fell in love with someone who wasn't real and was just acting how she thought I wanted her to.

    If she does that she's only lying to herself.

    I'm annoyed that she never told me off when I made mistakes. How was I supposed to know I had upset her. If it was that important to her she should have said.
    Ithappenstoall's Avatar
    Ithappenstoall Posts: 363, Reputation: 37
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    Aug 5, 2008, 01:05 AM
    That is true, so you can use that as exerienced gained from this. In your next relatioshipyou will not do the same mistakes. A friend of mine told me something wise about my relationship the other day. She told that you know that you are better than this, you know her faults and they would bother you , you know the negatives. But knowing is nothing if you don't believe. You have believe you are better because it is true. I really fell hard for this girl and to have her end things like that 3 years after I can say hurt me... real bad. I did what you did and sometimes I almost enter this phase again but I pull out. (Like I told you I am in my 2nd month and it is better but when I tell you not to think about it trust me, because it only hurts more. For me working overseas right now When I come back I still have all her stuff at my place so that is going to be interesting haha) Why? Because it will bring you misery and no one else. Look at her she is off doing her thing while we are talking about this. Doesn't that annoy you. Granted it shows that you were sincere about her and that is a great quality, but at the same time need to tell yourself it is over and move on. (always remmber NC, again I didn't do that and I asked a friend about her a week ago and that put me back a couple weeks,so do NOT do it, stick to NC)
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 5, 2008, 09:22 AM
    I'm honestly doing better and I don't really want to hear about what she is up to. Knowing that my sister in law is seeing her really does hurt though. I'm jealous and curious and hurt that my sister in law sees no wrongdoing on her part.

    Anyway, it's her birthday tomorrow. Who wants to bet that she's engaged by the end of the week? Anyone? At this rate she'll be married in a registry office next month, then pregnant by the end of the year.

    I'm going to text her happy birthday just to show I'm not petty. If I get any kind of response though, I'll just ignore it or reply in a way to end the "conversation" without giving away too much of my feelings. I don't want any more arguments and angry texts.

    e.g. How are you?

    Just planning my holiday. Cheers.

    I just wish I could get this feeling of waiting for her to come back out of my system. I know it's not going to happen but I just have this constant lump in my throat as though one day suddenly everything will change. It's a nightmare. The rest of this year is just a write-off for me truly being happy as far as I'm concerned.
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 5, 2008, 05:39 PM
    Although I won't text her. It's pointless.

    I've never met anyone so similar to me. Maybe it's just what you do when you fall in love, but I see her as the female version of me. I even notice that the way we act/communicate/speak is similar.

    I guess maybe we were too similar in that we were both scared to let each other know exactly how we felt. Seems like a stupid reason to break up.

    I've given up on her ever talking to me again.
    Ithappenstoall's Avatar
    Ithappenstoall Posts: 363, Reputation: 37
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    Aug 5, 2008, 10:31 PM
    Try and go back to yesterdays attitude you were doing better, be strong Sammie. It gets better
    Sammie66's Avatar
    Sammie66 Posts: 170, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 5, 2008, 11:46 PM
    Do I text her happy birthday? I don't want to appear spiteful but I don't want to hurt myself.

    I'll decide later today.

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