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Type: Posts; User: MadMadame

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  1. You really don't need to trim/cut your ends until...

    You really don't need to trim/cut your ends until you begin to see damage... Most of your split ends should be gone, just let your hair be happy and healthy for a bit :)
  2. Question: White discharge

    by MadMadame

    No douche unless told to do so by a doctor... How...

    No douche unless told to do so by a doctor... How old are you? Are you sexually active? Is there and odor?
  3. Answers

    Not to scare you, BUT high fever along with...

    Not to scare you, BUT high fever along with PINS/NEEDLES in extremities could be signs of TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome you need to go to a clinic now. If it is TSS and goes to far it can induce organ...
  4. No bleach is need... You need a toner, go to your...

    No bleach is need... You need a toner, go to your public beauty supply, they can direct you to the degree of tone you need to get a workable color... Rule #1 NEVER PUT ASH ON BLONDE :) If you're a...
  5. Answers

    Most people over-wash their hair... You need the...

    Most people over-wash their hair... You need the natural oil on your head to keep your scalp happy. You most likely have slightly overactive sebacious glands (makes the oil in your hair)... Try...
  6. Answers

    The way curly hair grows there are are weaker...

    The way curly hair grows there are are weaker "joint" in it... This can help hair break easier... If you have atone of hair your going to loose more hair. For most this is normal... Couple...
  7. Answers

    You can apply a toner. Picking the corrrect...

    You can apply a toner. Picking the corrrect color of toner is key... If your blonde NO ASK this will turn your hair green. If you have orange/brassy tones you want a violet BASE, NOT violet...
  8. When you don't cut the dead/broken ends it just...

    When you don't cut the dead/broken ends it just help to keep the damage going... Theses breaks will slowly continue up your hair shaft. If your trying to grow your hair longer DO NOT trim it every...
Results 1 to 8 of 8