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    amasmom's Avatar
    amasmom Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 19, 2006, 06:54 PM
    How do you report someone who's here illegally
    Can you still report someone who's here illegally, even if they got married?:confused:
    I know someone that was here for numerous years on a school VISA but was working. He recently got married, but he asked me for a year to marry him because he didn't want to get deported. Then after I broke up with him he went and got a marriage licence with someone else, before marring his new wife.
    He also was working in the US and only had a student Visa. Now he's graduated but he's married.
    I know that he's married just for his citizenship. Its been a while since I've know, I did go to the police once and tried to tell them but they said I had to get a lawyer because they couldn't do anything. Is there anything that can be done now about him doing illegal things even though he's married:confused:
    Hope someone can help.
    Thanks! :)
    Thomas1970's Avatar
    Thomas1970 Posts: 856, Reputation: 131
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    Oct 19, 2006, 07:10 PM
    Hi Amasmom,
    Yes, here in the US, there are established routes for dealing with such a situation, though now that he is married, it is probably something more of a grey area.
    My only question is why you wish to have him deported? If the marriage is indeed a sham, that is ultimately between him and his partner, and whatever higher beliefs they have. It seems like he is doing eveything he can to live a successful life; you don't mention him committing any real serious criminal offenses. If he is so eager to become a citizen, he probably has very good reasons. Why not just be happy for him and what he has thus far achieved? Though if he has committed more serious criminal offenses, there are people you could contact.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Oct 19, 2006, 08:20 PM
    "getting married" to help gain citizenship is not as helpful as it may have been years ago. Several of our family friends ( and I was surprised by how many after reviewing this question) are Resident Aliens who married US citizens, on one case they have been working on citizenship for over 5 years , in the other over 3 years and they are not even close yet.
    * and one of them is married to a corporate attorney.

    And while it is illegal to be honest, there are illegals everywhere, I have had three in my office today and passed at least 20 at the home depo parking lot today.

    So they can merely drive around town any day and get all they want.
    So you can report them but honestly don't expect anything to happen to them,

    And no the police can't help, the Federal Government does not allow the local police to do anything unless their department has gotten specific permission from the Feds to actually do anything
    King Ali's Avatar
    King Ali Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 19, 2006, 08:41 PM
    In relation to thomas1970's comment not really now that he's married there isn't really much you can do. That's what my moms boyfriend's ex wife did she was illegal and she married him to become legal until she got her green card and became legal so there isn't much you can do.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 20, 2006, 03:56 AM
    12 million illegal aliens, Don't waste good time and energy trying to figure this out. If the government won't do anything why should you.
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Oct 20, 2006, 07:05 AM
    Hello am:

    I am more than happy to help people who are suffering legal problems.

    I will NOT help someone who wants to SNITCH just for pure meanness.

    amasmom's Avatar
    amasmom Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 20, 2006, 07:32 AM
    Ok thanks to you all for answering. In response to Thomas1970, he did do some pretty mean stuff to me.
    We have a daughter together and I fear every time she goes over there that she's not coming back. I didn't do anything when I was pregnant because I didn't want to do that to my daughter, but now seeing how hw's going to be treating us for the next 18 years, I'm having thoughts that maybe it would be best. I think he purposely got me drunk even though it could have killed me(I had a long message but it got deleted. I was in a car accident and was on a lot of medicine when he showed up after not seeing him for years. He took advantage of my mental state at the time) Getting pregnant must have seemed like a great benefit since he tried really hard to get me to marry him afterwards. He was extremely mentaly and verbally abusive to me, and physical was sure to follow. I don't want my daughter without a father but I also don't want him to ever hurt her or take her from me. As I said I've tried going to the police about everything and called up different laywers for advice but no one can help me. He thinks he's invincible and I feel, not to sound mean, but I think he should get deported and then come here legally if that's what he wants. He's been here for around 10yrs, he's really smart, it shouldn't be that hard for him. And the fact that he got 3 marrige licences in a year and a half means that he'd rather marry someone for his citizenship then do things the right way. I know how many Aliens we have in the US, and I've gone through a lot of thinking about what would be best for my daughter. And right now it just comes down to "is he going to hurt her or take her away." He's been spending a lot of time out of state, and made a lot of comments about flying a lot. I know where he works, he's pretty new there, I didn't realize they would have him flying all over. All the little things add up with me, and I have this feeling that he's thinking about taking her. His mom is already raising 2 of her grand children in Africa, I don't think he would mind about having her raise one more.

    Hi Excon! I'm not a mean person, and I know that this shouldn't bother me, but on the other hand if he takes her and disappears how is that fair. It wouldn't kill him to legally get his citizenship, he just chooses to take the easy way out, and for him getting married to any American was the way to go. I just wanted to know if there's any point in contacting Immigration about him.

    I don't know that much about Immigration, but I thought that their job is to stop illegals from being here, and I think they should know about him. If they check it out and he did marry of "love" then that's my bad, but I know he didn't. I don't ever want my baby hurt or taken away, and he would do it just to hurt me. He's no different then anyone else and if Immigration is going after Mexicans and other Aliens to stop them from coming here, then they should stop him too.
    LUNAGODDESS's Avatar
    LUNAGODDESS Posts: 467, Reputation: 40
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    Oct 20, 2006, 11:43 AM
    Now... no matter how we feel about the actions of illegal immigration... we must understand this point... most are here because there are no work available work in their neighborhood.. some believe there is a dream call the american dream... this effort does not ease the fact that while you are here you must obey the laws of the land... in the U.S.. . if you are here illegally he have committed an illegal actions against the state and the government... what is the problem with going to the embassies and filing a form to enter the U.S... too many people that are her illegally have brought with them some misery and some have brought joy... we do not need to raise our children to believe that disobeying the law is a good direction.. if you know someone that had committed an action against the state... it is your ethical and moral responsibility to notify the authority...

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