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    Gessfk's Avatar
    Gessfk Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 6, 2007, 05:07 AM
    Wiring a 2nd phone line into a regular phone line?
    Hi. A long time ago, I had a phone jack installed in my room to be used for a 2nd phone line. Well, we shut off the 2nd phone line, so now I have a phone jack in my room that is basically out of order. I'm trying to turn it into a regular phone jack. This jack has never been a regular wired phone jack though, the phone guys came out and put this in and had it fixed up as the 2nd phone line, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

    In a nut shell, I'm getting DSL soon, and I need a phone jack in my room for it.. and this is the only phone jack in the room unfortunately. I checked around online, and I kind of read about red and green wires being the line 1 wires, and the black and yellow being the supposed 2nd line wires, but it appears that this thing is wired in with green/red.. but still doesn't work. The actual modual thing is also much different than I saw in the screenshots from other sites too. I took a few pictures here:

    And I guess it had a backing on it, so I took that off, and here's what I've got

    It's weird too, there's like a sticky geletin substance or rubber in there that sticks out (you can see how it's blurry in the mid from it).. anyone know what that is about?
    ebaines's Avatar
    ebaines Posts: 12,131, Reputation: 1307

    May 7, 2007, 07:30 AM
    It's a little hard to tell frokm the photos, but is the white wire form the wall connected to the green on the jack? That's what I would expect, but again it's hard to tell.

    If that's the case, then it appears that the existing wiring is simply a standard phone jack wired to the orange/whoite pair out of the wall. In standard telephone plant wiring by convention the first pair in a cable is a blue/white pair, and the second pair is orange/white. So it appears that this jack was wired for to the second pair in the cable. I bet of you reach into the wall you will find that the orange/white wires are part of a multi-pair cable. Pull the cable out dso you have some slack to work with, and then connect the telephone jack red/green wires to the cable's blue/white pairs: blue to red, and white to green. Please note that the white lead in the blue/white pair is NOT the same wire as the white lead in the orange/white pair, so take care to get the right one. The blue/white pair ought to be twisted together and tucked back behind the wall.
    MissAdvice's Avatar
    MissAdvice Posts: 63, Reputation: 9

    May 7, 2007, 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Gessfk
    Hi. A long time ago, I had a phone jack installed in my room to be used for a 2nd phone line. Well, we shut off the 2nd phone line, so now I have a phone jack in my room that is basically out of order. I'm trying to turn it into a regular phone jack. This jack has never been a regular wired phone jack though, the phone guys came out and put this in and had it fixed up as the 2nd phone line, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

    In a nut shell, I'm getting DSL soon, and I need a phone jack in my room for it..and this is the only phone jack in the room unfortunately. I checked around online, and I kinda read about red and green wires being the line 1 wires, and the black and yellow being the supposed 2nd line wires, but it appears that this thing is wired in with green/red..but still doesn't work. The actual modual thing is also much different than I saw in the screenshots from other sites too. I took a few pictures here:

    and I guess it had a backing on it, so I took that off, and here's what I've got

    It's weird too, there's like a sticky geletin substance or rubber in there that sticks out (you can see how it's blurry in the mid from it)..anyone know what that is about?
    I could give you several solution but I need to know if your phone main line is in a basement or cellar, and I will also need to know how far away is the mainbox from where your trying to put it, then I will answer your question in full.
    Stratmando's Avatar
    Stratmando Posts: 11,188, Reputation: 508
    Uber Member

    May 12, 2007, 11:32 AM
    Here are 2 options.
    First, you could leave inside wires like they are. Go to outside phone box. You may see orange pair going to 2 terminals and blue pair going to 2 other terminals, Disconnect Orange Pair, and connect with Blue Pair, white/orange to white /blue and connect orange/white to blue/white. Place DSL filters everywhere.

    Option 2 (My preferred) would be to ask Telco to install Outdoor DSL Filter. Then use Blue pair to go into DSL Filter, Connect Blue Pair to Voice from filter and Orange pair for DATA
    (Modem), Now you need to install double phone jack where modem is going.
    Reach in wall and get blue pair and connect white/blue to green and blue/white to red, for regular telephone. The other jack would be white/orange to green and orange/white to red for DSL.
    Red and Green is the center pair on jack(Line 1)Yellow/Black is for Line 2(Don't Use)

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