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    schwim's Avatar
    schwim Posts: 132, Reputation: 22
    Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2021, 09:18 AM
    Pulsing well pressure and questions concerning moving equipment
    Hello there!

    I've just purchased a home with a well that's pretty terrible. Waste pipes, toilet tanks and filters full of mud, icemaker unusable, pulsing pressure at all outlets, water is tinted brown and everything is stained. We're looking to add a filter system and are leaning toward the biggest whole house system Aquasana provides but I still need to solve other issues.

    First: the pulsing. I'm told that it's usually caused by mud/debris in the pressure switch. Is that the small box in front of the pressure tank? Is that something I can clean out or do I need to just replace it?

    Second: What is that metal cylinder furthest away? Is that just a reservoir so the system has more water on hand when the pump can't keep up? Is it a "keep" item? I ask because I've never seen it on another well system. If so, I probably need to clean it out.

    Finally, I'd like to move the tanks and switch out to the back of the house for a few reasons. First, accessibility. Second, single location for these items and the newly added filter system. I intend to insulate the structure surrounding the system and add some form of heating for the cold temps. Is there anything else I need to take into account when building the structure?

    This is the filter system I plan on installing. I'll move the coarse filter all the way to the first position in front of everything else so I can get rid of the current coarse media filter.

    Thanks for your time!

    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
    Uber Member

    Jul 29, 2021, 12:41 PM
    The pulsing is more likely caused by a water-logged pressure tank, which is the Well Mate brand tank on the left. It should have a air valve at the top similar to what is found on a car tire. Press that for a couple of seconds. If water comes out (rather than air), then the tank is bad and should be replaced. The little pipe leading to the switch can easily clog and I'd check that as well, but that is unlikely to cause the pulsing. If you will stand by the switch (which is the little grey electrical box to the right of the pressure tank) while water is being used, you will likely be able to hear it switching on/off (clicking) as pressure drops and rises. The pulsing is the result of the pump cutting on and off frequently which is something you really don't want to happen as that is hard on pumps, so I'd take care of that issue sooner rather than later.

    I don't see a problem with moving the tank and switch to another location, but be sure to keep the switch "near" the tank. That is necessary for it to read pressure accurately.

    As to the galvanized tank on the right, it's possible it was a type of filter, but otherwise it's hard to say. Maybe something along the lines of a settling tank to allow the water to clear up a bit? It looks like the water goes from the pump to that tank and then on to the pressure tank. Correct?

    Before buying a filter, have your water tested first to see if you have a problem with iron which it sure sounds like you do have. I DON'T THINK THE RHINO SYSTEM REMOVES IRON, but you can ask them and find out. At any rate, it might be money well spent to get a water well company to look into that part of it for you. I'd hate to see you spend 2,000 dollars and still have the same problem with iron you seem to have now. I can tell you that getting a good filter will be a blessing to you, but getting the right one takes a little knowledge. I might add that any filter which says it does not backwash is unlikely to remove iron.

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