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    MimiGirl's Avatar
    MimiGirl Posts: 141, Reputation: 0
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    Jan 16, 2007, 12:58 PM
    Can Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi ruined your diet?
    Hello, Iam Writing To You Because Iam One Of Those People That Have Been Trying To Lose Some Pounds.. I Have Been Cutting Off The Sweets, Fatting And Anything Else That Gains Weight.. I Also Have Been Doing Exercise.. my Only Question Is If Diet Coke Gains Weight Even Though If Its Diet?. My Parents Tell Me To Avoid All Types Of Cokes When In A Diet But Iam Soo Addicted To Coke That Its Kind of Hard.. please Help Me Out.. thanx
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 16, 2007, 04:12 PM
    Diet does not mean free, and if you are drinking a lot of it, yes it can hurt your diet. Think WATER
    shygrneyzs's Avatar
    shygrneyzs Posts: 5,017, Reputation: 936
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    Jan 16, 2007, 05:46 PM
    Both my doctor and the dietician he sent me to said NO to diet soft drinks. I am to drink more water, I can flavor the water with lemon juice. Crystal Light is a product I can use, but not in excess. Also flavored sport drinks are off limits.
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Jan 16, 2007, 05:52 PM

    Just because it says diet coke, does not mean that it is good for a diet. There are sugars, diet sugars that are in coke that can cause cancer. Coke, any type of coke is not good for you. You need to cut it out completely or you will not lose wieght, and your not going to get any healthier.



    Water is a beautiful gift. Water is free. We are made up of 90 percent of water. So how should we replenish our body, is with water. Oh, by the way. One thing you can do is increase your water intake and that will help you lose wieght.
    Logan82's Avatar
    Logan82 Posts: 27, Reputation: 5
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    Jan 17, 2007, 01:36 PM
    Diet Coke/Pepsi have about 1 calorie. This isn't bad, BUT they use artificial sweeteners & these because a insulin variance in the body & you end up feeling hungry after a while.

    Also,the indgredients used is known to cause cancer.
    lovelesspa's Avatar
    lovelesspa Posts: 1,019, Reputation: 127
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    Jan 28, 2007, 04:33 PM
    A regular 12 oz cola has roughly 140 calories, if you only drink 5 per week that's 720 calories per week, but it's 37,440 calories per year, which equals 10.7 pound of weight! One cup of cola contains roughly 9 teaspoons of sugar, add that up with the sugar in the foods you eat throughout the day and this is a big nono if your trying to lose weight! FDA regulations allow any food product that contains fewer than 5 calories per serving to be advertised as calorie free. So even if it says "zero" calories some ingredients such as artificial sweetners, citric acid, carmel colorings, and especially HIGH FRUTOSE CORN SYRUP, do have some caloric content. It is very hard to get off the colas, but they are so bad for your health, your teeth and even your bones that in the long run your doing your whole body a big favor! Water is the hardest thing to get use to but there's lots of flavored waters out there now, I'm addicited to ice ice cold cubed rich glasses of wate. Water help you rehydrated your body, organs, does great things to your skin and truly has NO Calories. Just give it a go,:cool:
    Santi's Avatar
    Santi Posts: 29, Reputation: 3
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    Dec 23, 2007, 10:33 PM
    Diet soda is one of the most detrimental substances you can put in your body. As said above, the artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic. The "sugars" are not recognized by the body, so when you ingest them, the body reacts by increasing its white blood cell count and storing it in the liver and other fatty pockets where this foreign invader cannot cause immediate harm to any of the organs. It's best to limit your fluid intake to fresh juices (primarily green juices), water, and herbal (non-caffinated) tea.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Dec 25, 2007, 10:30 PM
    Here is the truth about aspartame
    It can cause temporary blindness and it can cause parkinson disease symptoms to name just two ill effects.

    I had a really good site link on it but it is gone.
    This one is about as good

    Truth About Aspartame -It is POISON!!!

    I am addicted to Pepsi over 40 years now. I have been slowly switching to a healthy diet and the more I do the easier it is to cut down on the Pepsi. I have made some major changes in the past two months and cut down 12 more ounces. In the past year I made some little changes and cut down 12 ounces with those changes.

    The healthier my diet gets the less of it I crave. I was drinking 64 ounces a year and a half ago and am now down to 12 ounces.

    One thing I did was finally put my mind to drinking water, which I hate.
    For now, until I can get out more to find better water, I bought a big container of spring water and put it in the fridge and I have been drinking it more. You can also squeeze fresh fruit into the water too.

    Also switch from table salt to sea salt or celtic salt or himalayan salt that really helped my
    Taste buds change.

    Diet soda does actually add weight because it has a reverse effect.
    I never drank diet and when I did give up my Pepsi to lose weight a couple times it was only about a 5 to 8 pound difference. But still best to get over anyway.
    SeleneFN's Avatar
    SeleneFN Posts: 16, Reputation: -1
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    Jan 3, 2008, 10:27 PM
    There is nothing wrong with aspartame or diet pop. You will have to literally drink liters of diet pop per day to even come close to risking cancer. Don't read the regular newspapers for news regarding science and health. Read actual medical journals for real research. Everything causes harmful effects if consumed in excess. You can get sick from eating too much cabbage and lettuce, like anything else.

    Drink diet pop to your heart's content. As long as you don't exceed 4-5 cans I day there will be no problems.

    Water will work too, of course, if you're thirsty. However, if you're trying to diet, the least you can do is treat yourself to something sweet that contains zero calories.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jan 3, 2008, 11:04 PM
    My friend and his son got temporary blindness from drinking diet soda and koolaid with aspartame.
    SeleneFN's Avatar
    SeleneFN Posts: 16, Reputation: -1
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    Jan 3, 2008, 11:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    My friend and his son got temporary blindness from drinking diet soda and koolaid with aspartame.
    Simply because someone suffers temporary blindness, it is difficult to pinpoint the specific food (if it is a food at all) that caused it. To prove something, the outcome needs to be consistently reproducible, i.e. drink the same diet soda or KoolAid and it causes temporary blindness again. If aspartame causes such effects, health boards from around the world would have long banned its production and usage in everyday foods. This has definitely not been the case. With the increasing number of diabetics, the consumption of sugar substitute has only increased, not decreased.

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    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jan 4, 2008, 11:11 AM
    They quit drinking it and got their vision back. And temp. blindness is listed as a symptom.
    I also know many people with either really, really horrible short term memory, or Parkinsons, or bad thyroid and they all drink diet and use artificial sweetener.
    Strange how all the people that I know that have the symptoms they claim cause these symptoms have these symptoms and the people that I know that don't use artificial sweeteners do not have these symptoms.
    Personally I don't want to put something into me that turns to formaldahyde!
    And I haven't had any health problems in 30 some years other than little things like occasional arthritis type pain and headaches.
    lovelesspa's Avatar
    lovelesspa Posts: 1,019, Reputation: 127
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    Jan 4, 2008, 02:33 PM
    There is absolutely no nutritional value to coke or diet soda, all the additives/sugar substitiutes in the diet version are just plain... not healthy... Sugar, especially high fuctose corn syrup is a large cause of weight gain. I understand the addiction behind drinking soda, because I was really bad, but I slowly cut it out of my diet, I'm not going to say I never drink it, cause once in awhile it's nice to have a cold one, but it's not a everyday thing with me anymore. If you truly want to lose weight sugar is the one thing you may have to give up, for the time being. Try drinking ice cold water, or 100% fruit juices--- put some sliced fruit in it, but it you start drinking it through out the day it helps ease the "want" for your normal drink.
    SeleneFN's Avatar
    SeleneFN Posts: 16, Reputation: -1
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    Jan 5, 2008, 12:00 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    I know that don't use artifical sweeteners do not have these symptoms.

    And I haven't had any health problems in 30 some years other than little things like occasional arthritis type pain and headaches.
    I drink use lots of artificial sweeteners, and just like you who don't use artificial sweeteners, I get the occasional headaches and such. People can blame their problems on a lot of things. If someone had a bad thyroid, cancer, leg pain, sore throat, etc. etc. and they would like to blame it on artificial sweetener, they can. The point is, if it was truly dangerous, these products will not be allowed to be sold. Half the people I know drink diet drinks and no one has ever experienced any problems, at least they haven't used artificial sweetener as their scapegoat for their various health problems, if any.

    I want to make a point of actually answering the question: "Can diet coke/diet pepsi ruin your diet"?
    The answer is no. If you are on a diet and it is stressful enough as it is, having a diet drink will not add calories to your diet and tastes great. No, it will not ruin your diet.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jan 5, 2008, 08:54 AM
    Why are all the medicines allowed to be sold. If what you say is true then Vioxx should have never been sold. All these drug companies would have medicines that do not have side effects. They are only interested in the profits. I could write a whole couple pages on this alone.

    It's like this different people react to things different. Look at the psychotropic drugs people are on. Do you realize how many people kill themselves every year because the antidepressent drug had an adverse affect on them even though it may help the other 2/3rds of the people that take it? While artificial sweeteners may not have caused you having health problems that doesn't rule out that it may be the or a contributing factor to others health problems. When somebody has health problems they need to educate themselves on what is it that may be contributing to the problem? Are they allergic to aspartame, are they allergic to MSG, are they allergic to their laundry soap,.

    So people need to be made aware that these things that while they may not effect others it could be toxic to them.
    Del Shannon went around preaching against suicide. He was taking Prozac and ended up killing himself. Why? Because he wasn't made aware of the possibility that things we use in our everyday life can be killing us because our body may not be tolerant to it.
    lovelesspa's Avatar
    lovelesspa Posts: 1,019, Reputation: 127
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    Jan 5, 2008, 06:12 PM
    SeleneFN, While you may think drinking diet soda won't "ruin" your diet, I have been involved in a lot of tests in the late 1980's that showed although your tongue may be satisfied for a short while by the sweet taste of diet soda, your brain can't be fooled and still craves calories for energy. Artificial sweetners can stimulate your appetite and increase your carbs cravings also. Which translates into, you will evenutally eat more, thus ruining any healthy diet. There are a lot of people that have terrible side effects and we really don't know at this point what the long term effect of these artificial sweetners are. For instance Spenda, although advertised as a natural, artificial sweetner, it's not totally natural, it's made up of two compounds sugar and chlorine, chlorine can be deposited in fat cells, staying there for a long time without us knowing exactly what long term effects are in store, this was approved in around 1981, I believe, but that wasn't that long ago! And as far as your theory about if it wasn't safe it wouldn't be sold... The still sell cigarettes and we know there long term effects. I just don't see how if there's even a tiny bit of doubt, concerning something your putting into your body, why anyone would risk it for a couple of pounds they think... they may lose!
    thenewtricia's Avatar
    thenewtricia Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 8, 2008, 12:30 PM
    I don't know anyone who would claim that diet soda is "healthy", due to the chemicals and artificial sweeteners in it. However, this is once again a situation of "everything in moderation". If you are dieting, as I have been for the past three months, a diet soda once a day to stave off a sweet tooth works wonders.

    And as for those who say it "makes" you eat more - that's just a cop out. Weak willpower "makes" you eat more. Three months ago, I decided to lose the excess weight I've been carrying around for the past few years. I now keep track of all my calories and nutrition, and stick to a mostly healthy diet, which includes diet soda and the occasional snack, as a reward for keeping to my diet. So far, 12 weeks and I've lost 18 pounds. I couldn't be happier.
    DrDunn's Avatar
    DrDunn Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 29, 2010, 12:13 AM
    It is amazing how some people read one article on the web and take it as scientific truth. If web surfers would all take a moment to critically evaluate what they read there would be more verifiable truth available and less mindless garbage to stumble over.

    Go to to check out the real dangers , or absence of danger, related to ingesting aspartame. Every fact on this site is backed by actual research that the reader can verify through available links. If an article claims something is true just because someone said so, do assume it to be a fact until you actually check out the claim. This is basic research 101... verify your facts!

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