View Full Version : Bad odor from nose

Jun 7, 2007, 11:52 PM
I have this bad odor coming from my nose... It smells like poop... I know people around me can smell it... What is causing it... I went to dentist, I brush my tongue... What is going on??

Sep 7, 2007, 01:17 AM
I have this bad odor coming from my nose...It smells like poop...I know people around me can smell it...What is causing it...I went to dentist, I brush my tongue ...What is going on???
Me 2.. we have the same problem..

*** post edited FC****

Ken 297
Sep 7, 2007, 03:24 AM
I had something similar and it turned out to be a sinus infection.
A few days of antibiotics cleared it up.

Sep 7, 2007, 03:42 AM
I have this bad odor coming from my nose...It smells like poop...I know people around me can smell it...What is causing it...I went to dentist, I brush my tongue ...What is going on???

Check up with a doctor, it could be sinuses or it could be something to do with ear,nose or throat.

Sep 7, 2007, 04:38 AM
More than likely it is an infection of one sort or another. Please make an appointment with a doctor, preferably an ENT, to have this checked out.

Sep 7, 2007, 05:29 AM
I would advise to follow J9 advice as to a doctor check up. I know of some people using a nasal flush ( available at most drug stores, Walmart and almost anywhere,

Nov 28, 2007, 11:38 PM
I have this bad odor coming from my nose...It smells like poop...I know people around me can smell it...What is causing it...I went to dentist, I brush my tongue ...What is going on???
I'm so sorry to hear that, I have the same problem. About 2 years ago I had one of tosil infected, I was so afraid I didn't know what to do. One night I went online and found this product called TheraBreath. It supposly help with the problem, but after used a nasal drop. I got another problem, bad smell coming out of my nose. I've going to the doctors so often and nothing. I got my tonsils removed, used all kinds medicine( antibiotics, sprays, allergies pills) still the same. Went to an ENT doctor, nothing. Now the last thing I'm getting is the endscope. I pray everyday to get better, but it looks like had forgotten about me. People treat me like , 2 years of my life has ruined. Please e-mail me if you want talk about it or if you work together on this. My e-mail address is [email protected]

Nov 29, 2007, 12:09 PM
I have this bad odor coming from my nose...It smells like poop...I know people around me can smell it...What is causing it...I went to dentist, I brush my tongue ...What is going on???
I'm so sorry to hear that, I have the same problem. About 2 years ago I had one of tosil infected, I was so afraid I didn't know what to do. One night I went online and found this product called TheraBreath. It supposly help with the problem, but after used a nasal drop. I got another problem, bad smell coming out of my nose. I've going to the doctors so often and nothing. I got my tonsils removed, used all kinds medicine( antibiotics, sprays, allergies pills) still the same. Went to an ENT doctor, nothing. Now the last thing I'm getting is the endscope. I pray everyday to get better, but it looks like had forgotten about me. People treat me like , 2 years of my life has ruined. Please e-mail me if you want talk about it or if you work together on this. My e-mail address is [email protected]

Oct 28, 2008, 06:21 PM
I had a bad smell coming from one side of my nose. I tried almost everything until one day I took a q-tip and soaked it in purex. I removed the excess so that it would not be too saturated. Then I bent my head over and lightly swabed the inside of my nose. Tried not to breathe in until some of the fumes went away. Did not have an odor for several days. Of course the smell of purex lasted a few minutes. I did it one more time when I begin to notice a slight poop smell again. Since then I haven't had any more bad odor. I believed I had a fungus and the purex killed the bacteria.

Nov 4, 2008, 05:32 PM
I'm not sure if we have the same problem or not.. but the smell in my nose also is on my snot, and it doesn't smell like poo... it smells more like body odor or sour shoes. It's definitely pretty strong and I can get it in one nostril or both. I stick my finger in my nose and pull it out and if the smell is there I can clearly tell... it's strong.

The first time I noticed this smell I googled it and thought it was a sinus infection, I felt sick and my nose had been both clogged and running a few days. I was already on antibiotics and had been for a solid week. I didn't know what to do. So I went to my dermatologist about a bacteria that was growing on my skin causing infection, and she gave me three antibiotics to try... the last one I took was Omnicef, I was told that because of the super common use of this anti biotic dr's don't like to prescripe it unless necessary, but in less than four days the smell disappeared from my nose and my skin began to heal.

I've had the "nostril stink" a couple times since then and usually a week long course of Omnicef knocks it out for me every time.

Nov 6, 2008, 10:04 PM
Hey I think I have the same problem.. I am dealing with this problem that has pretty much taken over my life. My problem is I feel like I’m giving off a bad smell. I think it coming from my nose(its not an infection). I shower about 3 times a day, put cologne on, deodorant. When some people hug me they say I smell good, but when the get close to my face it seems like there face goes sour. Sometime when I pass people they cover there nose. I’ve seen about 3 doctors regarding this problem but they don’t see anything wrong. I know something isn’t right and I don’t think I can live my life for another 4 months like this. I’m going crazy lol... I think we can work to get

Nov 6, 2008, 10:05 PM
Hey I think I have the same problem.. I am dealing with this problem that has pretty much taken over my life. My problem is I feel like I’m giving off a bad smell. I think it coming from my nose(its not an infection). I shower about 3 times a day, put cologne on, deodorant. When some people hug me they say I smell good, but when the get close to my face it seems like there face goes sour. Sometime when I pass people they cover there nose. I’ve seen about 3 doctors regarding this problem but they don’t see anything wrong. I know something isn’t right and I don’t think I can live my life for another 4 months like this. I’m going crazy lol... I think we can work together to slove this problem

Nov 7, 2008, 03:12 PM
Hey i think i have the same problem..I am dealing with this problem that has pretty much taken over my life. My problem is I feel like I’m giving off a bad smell. I think it coming from my nose(its not an infection). I shower about 3 times a day, put cologne on, deodorant. When some people hug me they say I smell good, but when the get close to my face it seems like there face goes sour. Sometime when I pass people they cover there nose. I’ve seen about 3 doctors regarding this problem but they don’t see anything wrong. I know something isn’t right and I don’t think I can live my life for another 4 months like this. I’m going crazy lol...... I think we can work together to slove this problem

Here is the problem, either you stink or you don't. If you've seen a 3 doctors and they are telling you that you are normal... then what in the world could those people be making funny faces at? I would think bad breathe probably... but any doctor should be able to quickly identify where your stink is coming from. I say go back to the drawing board... the next time you see that face on someone, step back and ask honestly, "Do you smell something?" if they say no.. Smile and go for another hug.. usually that threat alone will invoke the power of truth. It could just be the racing stripes in your undies or sweaty hair... you won't be able to fight your problem until you can honestly identify it.

Oct 10, 2009, 02:07 AM
Can we communicate so that we can update each other.pls we suffer the same situation,I'm sory for that

Dec 23, 2009, 09:23 PM
Hi!I am a 21-year university student.I have a big problem~bad smell from nose.Very bad smell!I can't smell it,but,it really exist.Sometimes,it can spread too far when I in a room.I have had it for 5 years.It let my life so hard.I found it diffucult to contact people.I don't know where it had come from.During the dark 5 years,I have met several ENT doctors and made CT scan.But there is nothing,all is well except chronic rhinitis .No nasosinusitis and atrophy rhinitis .I had some medicine including Chinese medicine and washed my nose by salt water.It is still there.My nasal mucus flows backwards and sometimes I feel my nose dry.There is a notice that 5 years ago,I once lived with my sick pet dog in a room.She had an unpleasant smell.I don't know whether there is a connection.Please help me.I positive it come from my nose,because when I breath by mouth,people have no feels.If I breath using nose,there must be pinching the nose.I also have a dental cavity on the lower left molar.Whether there is possible that the root of my tooth had gone bad?It is the cause of the bad smell?

Jan 4, 2010, 07:43 AM
Hi!I am a 21-year university student.I have a big problem~bad smell from nose.Very bad smell!I can't smell it,but,it really exist.Sometimes,it can spread too far when I in a room.I have had it for 5 years.It let my life so hard.I found it diffucult to contact people.I don't know where it had come from.During the dark 5 years,I have met several ENT doctors and made CT scan.But there is nothing,all is well except chronic rhinitis .No nasosinusitis and atrophy rhinitis .I had some medicine including Chinese medicine and washed my nose by salt water.It is still there.My nasal mucus flows backwards and sometimes I feel my nose dry.There is a notice that 5 years ago,I once lived with my sick pet dog in a room.She had an unpleasant smell.I don't know whether there is a connection.Please help me. Positive it come from my nose,because when I breath by mouth,people have no feels.If I breath using nose,there must be pinching the nose.I also have a dental cavity on the lower left molar.Whether there is possible that the root of my tooth had gone bad?It is the cause of the bad smell?

Mar 20, 2010, 01:03 PM
i have this bad odor coming from my nose...it smells like poop...i know people around me can smell it...what is causing it...i went to dentist, i brush my tongue ...what is going on???

I just discovered the solution to my problem of bad breath

Through my nose that I suffered for 25 years. And it was not

Thera breath (yes, I had tried it) or any other medical product or any

Of the million home remedies that I found on the net or any of the

Possible causes of bad breath that people have been delving deep

Into. Its so simple!!

Indeed, god reveals his mysteries to mere children.

O my god!!

I will be living my life from this week.

25 years of horror are behind me.

Apr 9, 2010, 12:10 AM
i just discovered the solution to my problem of bad breath

through my nose that i suffered for 25 years. And it was not

thera breath (yes, i had tried it) or any other medical product or any

of the million home remedies that i found on the net or any of the

possible causes of bad breath that people have been delving deep

into. Its so simple!!!!

Indeed, god reveals his mysteries to mere children.

O my god!!!!!!

I will be living my life from this week.

25 years of horror are behind me.

Hi Aravind,
I have also the same problem. Bad smell from nose..

Could you please share the cure with us..
It will help millions of people out there...

Thank you..

Apr 9, 2010, 12:15 AM
Hi!I am a 21-year university student.I have a big problem~bad smell from nose.Very bad smell!I can't smell it,but,it really exist.Sometimes,it can spread too far when I in a room.I have had it for 5 years.It let my life so hard.I found it diffucult to contact people.I don't konw where it had come from.During the dark 5 years,I have met several ENT doctors and made CT scan.But there is nothing,all is well except chronic rhinitis .No nasosinusitis and atrophy rhinitis .I had some medicine including Chinese medicine and washed my nose by salt water.It is still there.My nasal mucus flows backwards and sometimes I feel my nose dry.There is a notice that 5 years ago,I once lived with my sick pet dog in a room.She had an unpleasant smell.I don't know whether there is a connection.Please help me.I positive it come from my nose,because when I breath by mouth,people have no feels.If I breath using nose,there must be pinching the nose.I also have a dental cavity on the lower left molar.Whether there is possible that the root of my tooth had gone bad?It is the cause of the bad smell?

Hello friend,
I have also the same problem.. It just stinks up the whole room. While travelling I just block my right nostril and I guess it minimizes the bad smell coming from my nose. I don't know the cause even after consulting a bunch of doctors- ENT,dentist,gastroentrologist and general medicine.
I have started hating these f***** doctors who can't solve our problem..

Apr 10, 2010, 12:34 PM
I am not joking here. Discovered through trial and error.

Try and get a cold. (not a very severe cold) by having ice-creams/cold water:

Once you find you have a runny nose then:

In the morning, after you wake up, within first half hour, before you brush or eat/drink anything, You must drink 4 glasses (1 litre)of hot (not just luke warm) water. Do not eat/drink anything for the next 20 minutes. You must be able to notice that the white film at back of your tongue has vanished. Then brush your teeth & clean the back of your tongue. Have your breakfast & then again drink 2 glasses of warm water. Then after each meal it is important to have a glass of warm water.

I have discovered that when your cold is more intense, and if you do what I have said above, YOU WILL HAVE NO BAD BREATH EITHER THROUGH YOUR NOSE OR MOUTH.

Having cold is a small price to pay in order to keep bad breath at bay - at least till a cure is discovered.
I hope someone who is a researcher is also reading this, so he/she could get to the depth & find why & how bad breath primarily through the nose gets eliminated, when we have an intense cold combined by the drinking of hot water.Also please floss your teeth regularly.

Apr 10, 2010, 12:34 PM
I am not joking here. Discovered through trial and error.

Try and get a cold. (not a very severe cold) by having ice-creams/cold water:

Once you find you have a runny nose then:

In the morning, after you wake up, within first half hour, before you brush or eat/drink anything, You must drink 4 glasses (1 litre)of hot (not just luke warm) water. Do not eat/drink anything for the next 20 minutes. You must be able to notice that the white film at back of your tongue has vanished. Then brush your teeth & clean the back of your tongue. Have your breakfast & then again drink 2 glasses of warm water. Then after each meal it is important to have a glass of warm water.

I have discovered that when your cold is more intense, and if you do what I have said above, YOU WILL HAVE NO BAD BREATH EITHER THROUGH YOUR NOSE OR MOUTH.

Having cold is a small price to pay in order to keep bad breath at bay - at least till a cure is discovered.
I hope someone who is a researcher is also reading this, so he/she could get to the depth & find why & how bad breath primarily through the nose gets eliminated, when we have an intense cold combined by the drinking of hot water.Also please floss your teeth regularly.