View Full Version : Bad Posture

Jun 6, 2007, 11:02 AM
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or experience with bad posture correction. I have always had bad posture! I really want to correct it before it's to late. My back is always killing me! I work in an office and sit at a desk and I know this doesn't help! Any suggestions would help!

Jun 6, 2007, 11:04 AM
Hi. :)

I have slight scolloisis (sp) from bad posture. I go to a choropractor regularly. The best advice would have to be sit up straight.

Jun 6, 2007, 11:13 AM
I have a bad back... son was ill went from 40 pounds to 100 pounds when he was four.( I had to lift him a lot) also at 11 yrs old I was in a car that ran off a 12 foot high bridge and my back hurts all the time. 3 week's ago I bent over and was unable to walk for a week. I went to urgent care and they did a x-ray. May entire spine is shifted to one side and my pelvis is titled. He said this was due to the car accident. He suggested a chriopracter, and also to do sit ups to strengthen my abs... this supports your back he say's, also do get uo every fifteen or 20 minutes and stretch while at my desk. You should reallly get an x-ray so that you know what is going on don't be like me and wait 30 years. I hope this helps you out.

Jun 6, 2007, 11:14 AM
MrsJ, going to a chiropractor isn't a bad idea as Rockabilly suggests. The other thing you might want to do is to speak to your boss or the office manager about the pain you are in. Ask if it is possible for them to get you an ergonomical chair. They do make office chairs that are specifically designed to help with back conditions. Your company may request you get a doctor's order for it. So, you might want to make an appointment with your doctor and speak to him/her about your problem. A back brace may be another option.

P.S. Sorry bush, didn't see your response when I posted. We were writing at the same time. :)

Jun 6, 2007, 11:16 AM
Ruby the chair is an excellent idea... I did not know they made them... I use a small pillow.

Jun 6, 2007, 11:16 AM
Those are all good suggestion! I just want to do something before it gets too bad! I think going to the chiropractor is a good idea I have been thinking about doing that!

Jun 6, 2007, 11:22 AM
bushg, regarding the rating question, I was told it can be triggered by the way you sleep as well.

Jun 6, 2007, 11:30 AM
bushg, regarding the rating question, I was told it can be triggered by the way you sleep as well.
My son never complains of pain... he is always playing sports and get an annual every year. And my daughter swims and she says her back hurts a lot. I think we will just go as a family and get worked over... my son that has the illnes well his whole body aches all of the time... but he still plays sports. Lol we'll just throw the hubby in for good measure

Dec 14, 2008, 11:50 AM
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or experience with bad posture correction. I have always had bad posture! I really want to correct it before it's to late. My back is always killing me! I work in an office and sit at a desk and I know this dosent help! Any suggestions would help!

Have you thought about lessons in the Alexander Technique? It got me through university when I had very bad neck pain.

I have read up on lots of posture correction methods and products and 99% don't address the root cause for the problem. As an product designer, I would say that poorly designed furniture and computers are largely responsible for poor posture.

Additionally, stress has a huge influence on the way a person holds themselves.

I have found that the Alexander Technique has helped me not just to to be free from the pain from bad postural habits, but also I now am much more conscious of the way I use my body.