View Full Version : Histopath

Jun 2, 2007, 01:59 AM
I just want to seek help for the explanation of the histopath or the biopsy of my baby who just miscarry last April 23, 2007. Due to the ob-gyn diagnosis is " chromosomal abnormalitis.here it goes. "Specimen consist of granular meaty soft tannish tissue with an aggregate volume of 20cc". "Section shows several immature chorionic villi. The rest of the scrapping show sheets of viable and necrotic decidua mixed with blood cloths". I need experts to explain this to me.I want to know the reason why these happen to my baby. I still can't believe this happened to me and the baby.

Jun 2, 2007, 05:31 AM
Chromosomal abnormalities. This can be a number of things, such as a trisomy (three copies of a certain chromosome rather than two... Downs Syndrome is a Trisomy disorder). They can happen quite randomly and without a specific reason as to why. You should ask your doctor if they were able to determine the specific abnormality and if it is lkely to happen again based on your age, your family medical history, etc.

The other wording is just a physical description of the tissue.

Jun 2, 2007, 10:07 PM
What you posted isn't specific as to cause, as it doesn't state the exact chromosomal problem only "chromosomal abnormalities". You need to ask the doctor if they were able to determine the exact abnormality.

What you posted is just a physical description of the tissue; it's color, texture, how much there was, what types of cells were present, etc. None of it is pertinent to the cause of the miscarriage. Chorionic villi are structures related to maternal/embryo blood circulation and dicidua is the uterine lining during pregnancy... normal things to be found.

I am very sorry for your loss, I think you need to be more assertive with your doctor as to discussing the cause with you. Which chromosome? What abnormality?