View Full Version : Cortisone Injections in Neck

May 27, 2007, 08:08 PM
This coming Thursday I am getting Cortisone Injections in my neck (I have 4 bulging discs from a car accident). The doctor gave me the run down, but of course he's vague about everything. Has anyone ever had these done before? What should I expect? I'm kind of nervous, lol.

May 27, 2007, 08:15 PM
I had a cousin who had this done many times and I asked her about it and she said that it doesn't really hurt but she has had it done in her neck many times and sais it doesn't hurt but helps the pain a lot. I told her that I heard that they do hurt but she said that it didn't really hurt at all. My mom got a cortisone shot in her toe's from feet problems, she was limping bad and they sprayed some numbing spray on her toes and my mom said that she just felt a little sting, like a bee sting but not bad. My cousin has the shots in her neck every couple of years because the pain comes back eventually and the more you have the shots the worse because the pain will come back. I think my cousin is like a addict when it comes to the cortisone shots though, my mom only had the shots twice at a month intreval and she said that the first shot did not work but the second shot a month later completely cured her and she no longer has pain (that was 3 years ago). I have never had the shots and so I can only give you advice from my families point of view but I hope I helped you some! :)

May 28, 2007, 08:56 PM
I had the shots in my foot. It was in the soft part on the inside... the first time it hurt like hell... because he hit the nerve... but the next time it was just a sting... also I was given novacane shot on the weeks that I did not get the cortisone shots, and they just stung a little as well. They never sprayed any kind of numbing med. On me... but they may treat a spine injury different. The shots worked and my foot is OK... that was about 5 yrs ago. Try some breathing exercises... they really help.. good luck

May 29, 2007, 07:17 PM
This coming Thursday I am getting Cortisone Injections in my neck (I have 4 bulging discs from a car accident). The doctor gave me the run down, but of course he's vague about everything. Has anyone ever had these done before? What should I expect? I'm kind of nervous, lol.
I had cortizone injection in my back twice so far it's a 3 injection series I'm not sure if this is the same thing but they gave me a local and it didn't hurt till after words and no sudden movements and had to stay in bed for 24hours and they will give you something to calm your nerves if your tooo nervous just a little pinching during the proscedure its after is achey

May 29, 2007, 07:43 PM
Thanks for all of the advice... it all seems pretty consistent from what I've hear elsewhere. I appreciate it!

Jun 1, 2007, 11:21 AM
Well, I got the inections yesterday... pretty painful!

Anyway, today I have an itchy rash around the area where they gave me the injections. Is this normal?

Jun 1, 2007, 12:12 PM
I did not have that problem and I have very sensitive skin even on my feet... I would call my doctor

Jun 1, 2007, 12:12 PM
Thanks bush ;)

Jun 25, 2010, 05:58 PM
I had a cortisone shot last Friday. It didn't hurt at all. Within 24 hours I was feeling really out of it and dizzy with some slight tingling in my shoulder. It has been a week and the pain returned. The worst part is I am getting electrical shocks through my right arm and numbness in my fingers. The shot was to my neck and the bulging disc was causing some arm pain before but never lack of sensation. I am a musician and guitar builder. If this doesn't improve I may have to abandon what I have dedicated my life to. I would strongly urge others to try everything else first. There are always risks. This definitely was not explained to me ahead of time. After 20 phone calls over the course of 5 days I finally was seen by another doctor who said if they had hit a nerve, the shocks would have come more quickly. They put me on an oral steroid to reduce inflammation. We will see. So far every day it gets worse. If anyone has insight, let me know.

Jan 17, 2011, 01:50 AM
I have had two shots - they did not hurt and it was all over within 5 minutes - just be relaxed or even take a Valium before hand if you want - someone has to drive you home anyway - just make sure and ask the doctor about all possible side effects - My face swelled up - It is called a "moon face" and it happens to some people but I was not aware of that nor was I prepared. - I also have dizzy spells now (?) -
The shots did not hurt but they did very little to improve my pain or tingling - so it was not really worth it for me. Good Luck!