View Full Version : Safety Shoes Hazards

May 19, 2007, 10:41 PM
Dear Sir,
Iam working as a manufacturing engineer which requires to be in a factory and I have to wear the safety shoes all the time being in the fatory, the problem is that most of the days I stay at the factory more than 11 hours a day and two months ago I started to feel some pains in my feet and I am not sure if that is because of my safety shoes or not, my question is (is there any hazards to wear my safety shoes for more than 11 hours a day or it is OK?) thank you in advance

May 20, 2007, 01:34 AM
Information that you find on the following sites may be of help to you. I hope that it is.

OSH Answers: Foot Comfort and Safety at Work (http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/prevention/ppe/foot_com.html)

Step in the Right Direction: Say No to Foot Pain (http://www.thehealthpages.com/articles/ar-podia.html)