View Full Version : False positive on a drug test!

May 15, 2007, 09:15 AM
So my boyfriend is on probation and he failed his last drug test due to a poppy seed muffin...
Now they are making him call in every day to see if he has to come in and take another one. His probation officer told him he is going to be on it until August 31, which is a major problem. It's a problem because in July he has to go to jail in a different city for 10 to 15 days. He can't call in those days! He will get sent to jail after that for not being able to call in. (his probation officer does not know about the offense he is being sent to jail for. Obviously) how can we fight this and make it fair to him. He has not been on drugs for a year now and I've been with him almost everyday so I know it's true. How can we prove it was the poppy seeds showing up as an opiate so that he doesn't have to call in every day?

May 15, 2007, 09:21 AM
From my experience in the military as a Drug Screener the possbility with of getting a false positive are almost "null". With today's tests Poppy Seeds will not give a false positive, the amount you would have to eat of Poppy Seeds is in the area of 5lbs.

As far as his next visit to the pen. He needs to inform his probation officer.

May 15, 2007, 09:33 AM
Correction, here is why the military does not get a false positive. They also test thebaine which is from eating Poppy Seeds. Here is the coorect reason why, Medical Mystery: Can Poppy Seeds Influence Drug Tests? (http://soundmedicine.iu.edu/segment.php4?seg=193). So, ask for the test to include the thebaine.

May 15, 2007, 09:35 AM
I would say that agreed, with retired navy but anyway,

If he has to go to jail for a few days, if he did not tell his probation officer this is another violoation of probation, the minute he got into trouble in the other city, he should have notified probation, also his probatin officer will run regular criminal history, once this other problem shows up and you have not told him, guess what he will do.

Make it fair for "HIM" perhaps by obeying the rules of the probation, inform the probation officer of the other problem and jail times, like by law he is suppose to do. What you want to know is how to lie and cheat the system so the PO does not find out the turth.

Sorry but at this point he needs to come clean and honest with the PO. Or hope by July he can ask the PO to change it. But at this point he is going back to jail for a violation of probation for the not reporting the other jail issue
I would say he needs to go in and have a talk with this PO, or just pack his tootebrush

May 15, 2007, 11:32 AM
I read this and chuckled, then I remembered that there was an artince on Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/medical/drugs/poppyseed.asp) (Status: TRUE) about this.

It states in part...
As little as a single bagel covered with poppy seeds could produce a false positive test for these drugs.

How can you prove it? You can't, he just needs to continue to call in and stay away from the poppy seeds.