View Full Version : Cocaine and drug testing

May 5, 2007, 06:14 PM
How long do it take for cocaine to leave your system and to successfully pass a drub test

May 5, 2007, 06:35 PM
It depends on how often you use. For first time users, plan on 3-5 days, but don't quote me. I have never used myself, but I have worked with lots of people that have. Take this opportunity to stop and never use again. It ruins lives. I have also heard that cranberry juice helps as well. We all make mistakes. It's time you corrected this one. Just my opinion. Good luck!
Try this website for more information.

Giving a urine drug screening (http://www.druglibrary.org/encyclopedia/urine-drug-screening-3.html)

May 5, 2007, 06:45 PM
how long do it take for cocaine to leave your system and to successfully pass a drub test

I think you mean to ask:

"How long DOES it take for cocaine to leave your system and to successfully pass a DRUG test"

If that is the case, and I am sure it is... it depends on the test involved, be it blood, urine or follicle.

In the urine and/or blood it takes 2-3 days, approximately, after last usage to be released from your system. However, this is an average and does not take into account high usage and your body's own metabolism. It could take longer if you use regularly and have a low metabolism.

May 6, 2007, 04:42 AM
There is a product you can buy to help flush your body out of drugs, alcohol, etc.. I have a friend that did it twice and it worked the second time but not the first time. It is like $80 a box though. I don't know how long that it takes to work but it DOES work. You can buy it at health food stores, etc I believe!

May 8, 2007, 12:06 PM
how long do it take for cocaine to leave your system and to successfully pass a drub test
It can be out of your system as quick as 27 hours, but it can stay in your system as long as 72

Sep 17, 2007, 08:07 AM
How Long Do Drugs Stay In Your Body Systems (http://www.homedrugtestingkit.com/drug_info.html#howlong)

Check out this website, it lists all drugs and how long they say in your system

Also another great website on drug testing:

Drug Testing Info (http://www.passing-drug-test.com/drug-testing.html#Urine)

Good luck

:p ;)

Nov 6, 2010, 12:18 PM
Those are some nice websites. Also, go to erowid - best site out there. Ignore, the 14 day bull**** for the metabolite. Those are just there to scare people or for habitual use... http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/testing/testing_info1.shtml

Jun 28, 2012, 05:14 PM
I can say less than 6 days for sure. Last Friday a couple friends and I split an 8 ball (I would say it was fairly potent stuff) Anyhow I did my last line right around 12:00am Saturday morning, I just tested today Thursday at 6:40pm and was clean as a whistle. So I can definitely say it doesn't take any longer than 6 days. I do drink a lot of Red Bull (some people say the Niacin helps) but I can't guarantee that helped. My reason for this post was to try to help in anyway I can, because just a few hours ago, I was the one reading these forums. Bottom line is if you don't use all of the time and you party like a Rock Star for one night, you will be clean in 6 days or less (Guaranteed!! )

May 25, 2013, 02:25 AM
I use crack cocaine often, work is what keeps me clean and I plan on moving to change my entourage, 135 lbs, how long should I expect to test clean so I can start working again?