View Full Version : Sleeping sickness

May 5, 2007, 05:48 PM
For the past 4 or 5 months I avent been able to stay awake... no matter how much, coffe or sweets I just can't seem to fight it. I sleep at school every chance I get I even go to the library to sleep. I'll sleep from 3 after school to about 7 and by the time 9 comes I want to sleep again an I sleep till 7 in the mornin... it's becoming a real problem because I ave exams in a couple days and I need to pull some all nighters... and yes I ave tried iron an vitamins suppliments and redbull an all thoses energy drinks they don't work... even tried exercise!!

May 5, 2007, 09:56 PM
I sent a private message to J-9, who is the health expert on this site, asking her to address your issue. I am sure that she will answer your question soon.

Just from my own experience, I developed an intolerance to caffeine. Used to drink beverages that contained a lot of it. After awhile, having so much caffeine in my system actually made me tired.

Because of how my body has changed, I have no tolerance for caffeine anymore. Can't ingest it. Makes my heart do things as well as making me very nervous. Plus, it does not do good things for your liver.

May 6, 2007, 07:32 AM
Taeshawn, it is imperative that you go to the doctor. What you are describing is called fatigue. Fatigue makes life unbearable.

Usually when we feel a little tired for a short time just don't feel like doing much, that is called malaise.

You have fatigue and there are many, many medical diagnoses that accompany fatigue, one of which is Mononucleosis, and it does go around high schools.

Please have your Mom make you a doctor's appointment to have this properly diagnosed.