View Full Version : Genetics issue!

Apr 28, 2007, 03:18 AM
I am jain, I love one girl from our caste ,her mothers family surname and my mothers family surname is same?

Now I was was not knowng her until I met her , she is not related to me , yet everyone is sayng it will be like brother sister marriage! Also people talk about genetic problems due to blood relation . We don't know in which generation we were related ! So how can we be relatives? The test for genetics is very painful! We are not first and second cousins!
Or is there really a problem in genes !please help me out

Apr 28, 2007, 06:27 AM
If the two of you are not related then why would marrying be a problem. There are many people in this world who have the same last name and get married. Is there something specific other than the same last name that is making you worried that you may be related?



Apr 28, 2007, 10:48 AM
I have to agree with Adore here. Here in the US the surname Smith or Jones is VERY common and the great majority of these people were never related.

Also, I don't know where you are, but where I am the test is not very painful, it can be done through a simple blood test.

Apr 28, 2007, 09:50 PM
You mention that you are "jain", and love a girl from your caste. I am assuming you are referring to your religious beliefs or affiliation, as well as social standing? Are you from India by any chance? I agree that genetic testing requires little more than a routine blood test, of which could very easily be performed by India's quite advanced medical system, if that is in fact where you live. If you are in fact a follower of Jainism, I apologize as I know comparatively little about their views regarding courtship and marriage, if this does prove to be something of a factor in your concerns. Though I do feel, as others, that many answers could likely be found with relatively little pain and effort. Best of luck. Take care.

Apr 28, 2007, 09:53 PM
You have already posted this question once before today and I tohught you got some really great answers. What else were you wanting to know?