View Full Version : Cut toe and a numb foot!

Apr 25, 2007, 08:43 PM
Earlier this afternoon I was preparing for a garage sale when I accidentally kicked a large piece of broken glass. It cut me pretty bad underneath a couple of toes (right where it bends). It is really deep and took forever to bleed but once it started bleeding, it bled A LOT. I cleaned it and put some neosporin and some band-aids on it. Tonight it hurts really bad and it's pretty stiff but it's making my entire foot numb.

QUESTION: Is there something important there under my toe that I could have cut or am I just a big baby?

Apr 25, 2007, 09:14 PM
Ealier this afternoon I was preparing for a garage sale when I accidentally kicked a large piece of broken glass. It cut me pretty bad underneath a couple of toes (right where it bends). It is really deep and took forever to bleed but once it started bleeding, it bled A LOT. I cleaned it and put some neosporin and some band-aids on it. Tonight it hurts really bad and it's pretty stiff but it's making my entire foot numb.

QUESTION: Is there something important there under my toe that I could have cut or am I just a big baby?
You should go to the doctor and have it checked out to be sure. However, you could have sliced a nerve of some type when you cut it on the glass. Be careful and read the label on the neosporin. Sometimes it is not recommended to use on deep punture wounds. Please consider heading to the doctor as soon as possible.

Apr 25, 2007, 09:20 PM
Thanks for the advice.. haha I always thought Neosporin was good for anything! Ooops!