View Full Version : Mouse spotted!

Apr 23, 2007, 07:39 AM
Help me! I saw a little gray mouse scurry across my hallway into my living room. I am deftly afraid of mice. Help me get rid of them in a hurry!! I don't have open food containers or anything. I try not to have clutter. What should I do besides glue traps. I've had the electronic pest things plugged into the walls for about 3 months, and today is the first day I've seen a mouse. Help!

Apr 23, 2007, 08:28 AM
Put a dab of peanut butter with a raisin in the middle on the glue trap and put the trap in a corner with two sides touching the walls. Hang in there. I hate to tell you this but... if you "see" a mouse... there are almost always more of them.

Apr 23, 2007, 11:08 AM
Can't you use a mouse trap that instantly kills them instead? Those glue traps seem so inhumane.

Apr 23, 2007, 11:18 AM
Kstars peanut butter in a spring trap is quite efficient. Try to place the trap in the path your new friend likes to run. You will hear a snap later tonight. Empty the trap and replace it in the same spot. The other 9 you did not see will keep coming for that peanut butter.

Apr 23, 2007, 12:16 PM
Various kinds of traps will of course work and probably take care of the problem in the short run. For the future, I would suggest getting a cat, unless you are allergic to cats.

Apr 23, 2007, 12:19 PM
A cat, but old fashioned mouse traps work well also.

Apr 23, 2007, 12:54 PM
Yes-we moved into our house about a year ago and my cats have killed three mice that I know of-but they were outside.

Apr 23, 2007, 05:44 PM
I had three years or "seasons" of mice in my garage. I looked for the mouse holes, and placed upwards of 6 traps around the perimeter. The best day I had was hearing 4 traps trip. First I trapped all the adults, then the little ones came out :( After about a week, all the traps were still set, so I though I got rid of them all. It was quite a large family.

Next summer... Mice problem again.

The 3rd time, I used poisoned bait food. I believe they all died within the walls, since then I have had no more mice problems. :) this was about 6, 7 years ago.

Apr 23, 2007, 05:47 PM
Peeps... You know the marshmallow easter candy? Well, they love peeps in the traps. We have not had ONE this year and it was all due to my hubby putting peeps in the traps!

Well, at least I like to think that is why.

Jun 1, 2007, 06:42 PM
Borrow the neighbor's cat that keeps getting on your car... j/k I have 3 cats, no mice in sight anywhere. I used glue traps before, but that was disgusting and annoying, but not as disgusting as a dead mouse in a trap with a squished head. I prefer poison, as it keeps them from smelling. I wouldn't use this if you have pets or small children. Good Luck!