View Full Version : Ear problem help

Mar 28, 2018, 10:58 AM
Ive tried everything to have my ear unclogged and nothing is working. I've been sick 6 days now and feels like for the most part my illness is going away but my ear has been plugged up for 4 days. I went to the doctor and she gave me an antibiotic for my ear. She looked inside it and said it looked a little angry, but feels like it's worse than a little. I've tried a heating pad, apple cider vinegar and part water, valsalva maneuver, and steam. My ear isn't leaking anything which is a good sign I presume. It just feels like my head is underwater. I asked my doctor if I should put anything in it and she said no. I did the apple cider vinegar before I asked her. Is there anything else anyone can recommend me doing because it's driving me crazy and it's quite irritating? Also when I swallow it does make a tiny popping noise.

Mar 28, 2018, 08:20 PM
For the pain you can try a hair dryer. Set it on low, warm/hot, and let the air blow into your ear. It really helps for pain. But the clogging, I have no idea. I think it's a case of you having to wait for the antibiotics to work and for it to clear up.

Mar 28, 2018, 08:37 PM
Yeah it doesn't hurt just a bit itchy but yeah they are plugged up pretty good. Thank you for the advice though!