View Full Version : Boobs, skin, areolas and hair.

Apr 17, 2007, 03:25 PM
I am an 18 year old girl, who is getting extremely depressed with my body image. I am not overweight for my height, but I have a curvy figure. I will number my problems...

1. I have horrendous stretch marks on my boobs, hips, back, thighs and bum. This is the most depressing thing for me as I feel horrible and so unattractive, I have tried bio oil twice a day for 3 weeks now and so far it has not had any effect.

2. I worry my boobs are ugly, the areola area often goes wrinkly when I'm cold, like immediately after I remove my bra, it looks horrible, along with the stretch marks, is this normal for it to wrinkle? It often has little lumps on them as well, they look like little spots, and also I have like random hairs on my boobs, I pluck them out, but I have general all over hair on them too

3. is it normal to have pubic hair around the anal area?

I fear so depressed that I have no idea about body image and what lads like, but there is this lad that I have been getting to know for ages and I can't bring myself to commit to him as I fear he will reject my body, fair enough if he did I would know he wasn't worth it, but there is a barrier stopping me from even trying as I am that ashamed.

please if there's anyone that can help me please please do


May 2, 2007, 10:31 AM
Hi there,
I see that nobody has responded to you so I would like to. All that you have mentioned is TOTALLY normal. Please relax and know that you are beautiful. I am 36 years old, have 6 children and many female friends and we all have all the things you have just mentioned. If you are self conscious about them at all do just what you are doing, a little body maintenance. Plucking and shaving small bits here and there. The wrinkling and very small bumps of the areola when you are cold is all totally normal. Skin reacts to heat, cold and stimulation and that is the normal reaction for that skin area. So please relax. As long as your personality is beautiful you won't have any problems with the lads.

May 2, 2007, 10:44 AM

Everything you are feeling is OK... you can talk to a counsler... I did and she was great...

I have 2 kids and I am 26. My baby is almost 5, so at the age of 22 I have abody the mad me crazy.. I was married and now I am divorced and getting back into the dating world was SO hard. For the hair thing, yes that happens, why hair goes there not sure but it is normal. I have stretch makes too! They didn't go away I just have learned to live with them and my boobs are deflated... they were a size D and now... an A. THey are flat and ugly but there mine... god gave me 2 kids and all the wonderful stuff that comes along with it! When you find a guy he will love you for you!!

I found someone that loves my flat boobs and my stretch marks and you will to! I went to counsling for 2 yrs...

Good luck and you are Beautiful!!

May 2, 2007, 10:46 AM
p.s. I didn't make mention to your concern of stretch marks... they too are normal. As we have growing spurts from childhood to adulthood sometimes our bodies grow a little faster then our skin is ready for at times and our skin stretches. Stretch marks also come with rapid weight changes. Stretch marks will fade a bit with time but there is no way to really get rid of them. At times they too change in color from red, to purplish, and usually will be come kind of white/silverish in appearance. That's when they are really the least noticeable. Tanning does help make them less noticeable. Every woman I know has stretch marks on some part of her body. And all to different degrees. Even those magazine beautiful models, they just airbrush them away in photos. Men know this and they don't really mind them, some even like them because they represent maturity and know that sometimes they are marks of something wonderful (like childbirth). So don't worry about the lads. But if they bother you, you can apply vitamin E oil and this may help soften the appearance of them and make your skin more supple. If you have fresh stretch marks you can try a product called Mederma that has been known to help diminish them. But like I said above there is no proven way to completely get rid of them unless you want to go to the extent of a very costly laser surgery procedure. Men have their own insecurities and things they don't like about their bodies as well. Head up and smile this is all just a part of being a woman.

May 2, 2007, 11:45 AM
Everyone on here is right, I'm only eleven and my legs and butt are Covered in stretch marks and they are very deppressing but if you can see past them, if anyone asks you what they are just act like they are an everyday thing because if (like some people I know) you let some people see that you aren't happy about them then they will maybe see that they can get to you. Don't make an issue over your body image because if you look confident and happy then nobody cares what you look like because the inner beauty will blind them.

May 2, 2007, 12:56 PM
Everything you are experiencing is TOTALLY normal!! Please do not worry yourself!! Every woman on the planet has hair down there and guys do NOT care about that kind of stuff. Every single woman on the planet gets wrinkles and bumps on there boobs and most guys like this. You can always wax, or trim or leave it be-whatever your preference. Your stretch marks will fade with time. They might not go away completely, but they will fade. And most guys don't really care about that either! Don't worry and remember with time you will come to love yourself and appreciate what you do have.

Jan 9, 2008, 07:49 PM
He I really fell better to see that I'm not the only women whit this problame sorry for my anglish lol I'm french so its hard but I tot I was not normal a bit younger... but when a saw that I was like omg that's me... so your not alone I just wonder if men really care about this like if a men would still like me if he see my naked

Feb 9, 2008, 01:05 PM
Very true and accurate!

Feb 24, 2008, 10:47 PM
I want you to know I have the same problems. I feel like I'm weird or something because I have these strech marks here there and everywhere it seems, along with my areolas going wrinkly(which I though something was wrong with me at first) and the hair... hate the hair. So realise, you're not the only dealing with these things. Also, a good guy wouldn't care too much about those things. So, I say, be confident and continue on and don't worry about it too much.

Mar 12, 2008, 09:51 AM
Hiya. I also get that barrier bcos of my body image & I think that I'm odd and they will reject me

Jun 16, 2008, 05:50 AM
i am an 18 year old girl, who is gettin extremely depressed with my body image. i am not overweight for my height, but i have a curvy figure. i will number my problems...

1. i have horrendous stretch marks on my boobs, hips, back, thighs and bum. this is the most depressing thing for me as i feel horrible and so unattractive, i have tried bio oil twice a day for 3 weeks now and so far it has not had any effect.

2. i worry my boobs are ugly, the areola area often goes wrinkly when im cold, like immediately after i remove my bra, it looks horrible, along with the stretch marks, is this normal for it to wrinkle? it often has little lumps on them as well, they look like little spots, and also i have like random hairs on my boobs, i jus pluck them out, but i have general all over hair on them too

3. is it normal to have pubic hair around the anal area?

i fear so depressed that i have no idea about body image and what lads like, but there is this lad that i have been getting to know for ages and i jus can't bring myself to commit to him as i fear he will reject my body, fair enough if he did i would know he wasnt worth it, but there is a barrier stopping me from even trying as i am that ashamed.

please if theres anyone that can help me please please do

Some men (like me) actually like hair on boobs and the anal area. It's a turn-on for them. So don't worry.

May 2, 2009, 07:12 PM
Avon has this really good stuff you can use I can't think of the name of it its not too expensive but it works better then anything else I've used it makes the skin raise back up and takes the purple away. I love it. Im only 19 and I found a man that loves me even though I have lazy eye stretch marks and have a lot more body hair then most. Don't lose hope.

Jun 4, 2009, 03:54 PM
I see that no males have addressed your concerns so I will speak for them. Women are waaaay too hard on themselves. Believe it or not, guys are not picky about looks just so long as you'll "do the deed". Sure, every guy wants a Ferrari but is perfectly happy to drive Prius so long as it gets him there and doesn't give him constant pain. Steak is great but I also enjoy every hamburger I ever eat. Its all good. It amazes me but, even after 20 years, my wife still tries to hide her very normal imperfections. Don't sweat it.

Oct 24, 2010, 09:41 PM
If you apply coca butter to the places you have stretch marks everyday for as long as possible, try 2 months, stretch marks will improve.

Oct 24, 2010, 09:47 PM
I feel like you just described me, it's completely normal whether you want to believe it or not. I didn't, but it's OK.

Oct 24, 2010, 09:51 PM
Look at it this way: -you can always get laser hair removal.
- try applying the coca butter and if that doesn't work, you can see a dermontologists and they can give you a special cream to get rid of stretch marks.

Oct 24, 2010, 09:51 PM
As for the boobs, mine are the same :/

Oct 24, 2010, 09:54 PM
Some lotions that help remove stretch marks:
Cocoa butter
Rose hip oil
Emu oil
Jojoba oil
Castor oil
Shea butter
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Vitamin C