View Full Version : Please help me I don't know what's wrong with me

Oct 23, 2016, 04:32 AM

I'll tell you from the beginning, I started to feel a kind of fatigue that continued increased and one day
I had some sort of panic attack feeling of dying on top of that the pressure in the chest that has faded with time its looks like anxiety but yes its been too scared and it's hard to for being misunderstood I kind of do that dereaslisation pinball muscle pain, loss of weight, change in color of the little dizzy I feel badly without wanting to spend a hypochondriac I made a general assessment Analyzes everything okay

However I have wisdom teeth that grow right now I wonder if it might come from them it's true that they give me excruciating pain and I have several people who had all these problems due to wisdom teeth... I'm going to take the next week to see what gives her.. but I'm afraid its not them be the cause... : '(

What did make me freak out the most is the fact that to the 2/3 th week or her started I woke up I found a kind of blood-red stain on the knee that looked like a not bite mosquito anyway and that's where I do my research to fall on lyme disease and simpthomes, and difficulty in diagnosis and serology did not get a 60 percent positive even in case infection... I started to have very afraid even if its not too had looked like the huge migrant erythema of the disease but I can not find the bug that would cause such a prick I metterais you the photo looks auoi bite..

Help me please I still hope that could come his wisdom teeth: '(...

Thank you for reading me and sorry for my bad english

Oct 23, 2016, 05:04 AM
WHY did you start a new post??? What part of 'get those wisdom teeth removed' don't you understand????? Do you fail to read the responses, or just don't like them??

Oh I get it - you just love to search the internet for the most unusual diseases. Then you come back here, plead and plead, and then ignore good advice.

Here's what I learned in my research on the subject of how dental problems can affect the whole body: the gingivitis bacterium isn't supposed to be able to get past the mouth, but it DOES. The studies on this are fairly new. The bacteria are being found in synovial fluid of all the joints, and there seem to be other places too. The jury is out on the heart. The prevailing theory is that the bacteria get through root canals and infections that go into the jaw. In my case, the first time 22 years ago, it went down through a cracked tooth under a crown, directly into my jaw and down into my lungs. My current situation is that a root canal pin fell out last year and low grade infection went into my face and one ear and one side of my scalp.

DOCTORS are not very knowledgeable about this. DENTISTS aren't either, mostly. You need a DENTAL SPECIALIST like an oral surgeon.

You can continue to look for positive PROOF. You won't find it. Not here, not at any medical or dental place, not from more tests. You just have to have those teeth out and see if that was the problem. What do you have to lose? Just money.

Oct 23, 2016, 05:26 AM
I remade a post not because I had not said everything I wanted to see what you think, I'm really sorry it's just that its really scare then that moment I should be spirited to live my life... :'( try to understand me fully please
Because sometimes I'm lost and I'm afraid his is something more serious... and I ask myself a lot of questions as : do I'll end my life like this? Is that all this has to do with this bite?
And my parents are beginning to lose patience and the last thing they will do is to take away these wisdom teeth... sorry again and thank you so much for reading me again...

Oct 23, 2016, 05:27 AM
Closed, merely add information to new post,