View Full Version : Neurology Related

Apr 8, 2016, 12:36 AM
I feel stilled in my right leg during sitting in office and driving from along time. And also feel tightness in right side head when wake up in morning and full day continuously.
What should I do?

Apr 8, 2016, 12:56 AM
Make an appointment with your doctor.

Apr 8, 2016, 03:38 AM
Assuming that you are in a part of the world where it isn't easy to see a doctor, it won't really do much good to ask this online.
Your symptoms are too vague. They could be from any number of reasons.
The least serious would be because you sit and sleep a certain way that causes numbness. How we sit, especially all day at a job, is extremely important. Most people lean one way or the other, putting pressure on one leg or the other. Leaning forward to peer at a computer is not good for our circulation to the legs.
Both feet need to be flat on the floor. Lean back a lot. Get up and walk around for a minute as often as you can.

Apr 8, 2016, 04:44 AM
But it is looking some difference of my one side face also.

Apr 8, 2016, 05:37 AM
I would hate to frighten you, but, anytime you get or appear to have something that affects one side of your body you most certainly need to see a health professional. Indications you note, such as issues on one side of your face, could be related to a stroke or brain tumor. Please seek medical attention soon.

Apr 8, 2016, 05:45 AM
It could be simple or it could be serious. Either way it has to be looked at by a doctor. Why take a chance if you are really concerned, or SCARED?

Apr 8, 2016, 06:27 AM
Please tell us how hard it is to take off time from work, and what medical care is like where you are.
Many of us here have easy access to good care, forgetting what it's like for millions of people.
Yes, because of your face, there is a possibility of something neurological like a small stroke. A small stroke can easily lead to a big one. Please read this, and tell your employer that you MUST have time off.

Apr 8, 2016, 05:49 PM
But it is looking some difference of my one side face also.

When you saw your doctor, and of course you saw a doctor about this, what did the doctor say? What tests did the doctor do? What were the results of those tests? What is the next course of action your doctor recommend?

You did see your doctor, right? I mean, why wouldn't you? That's the first thing anyone would do with your symptoms. So of course you saw a doctor, and had tests. So tell us what those test revealed, and we can go from there.