View Full Version : How to Handle Nervousness?

Mar 6, 2016, 02:56 PM
Ok so I have an interview coming up this Tuesday. I get so nervous even just thinking about it and I get this sick feeling. I don't know how to handle it. Whenever I have to speak in front of people I always shake really hard and my teeth chatter and it's so hard to not let it show. For Pete's sake I'm shaking right now while I am typing this. I don't know what to do and I would really appreciate some help. I am preparing for it by writing down questions that I think they'll ask me and writing down answers for it. I'm perfectly fine talking to people like in a casual conversation, but actually talking to a group of people I'm bad at and like I said get nervous. Please help...

P.S. I had no idea what category to post this under so sorry if it's the wrong one...

Mar 6, 2016, 03:02 PM
A job interview? With one or more company people?

Mar 6, 2016, 03:04 PM
A job interview? With one or more company people?

No it's for volunteering, I don't know why they have to interview me but they just told me they had to. And they said that there will be three or four people there.

Mar 6, 2016, 03:06 PM
They want to make sure you will be a good fit as a volunteer. Will you? Tell us why you will be.

If you can anticipate questions and have answers in mind, that should help alleviate nervousness.

Mar 6, 2016, 06:37 PM
They want to make sure you will be a good fit as a volunteer. Will you? Tell us why you will be.

If you can anticipate questions and have answers in mind, that should help alleviate nervousness.

Yeah I did anticipate the questions already (Before I posted this question) but it didn't help.

Mar 6, 2016, 08:24 PM
People WANT to like you. Meaning they do before you walk in, and when you walk in, and as long as you are neat and have a pleasant look on your face, they DO like you. Aren't you the same way?
Pretend you have a dog sitting business and need a helper and are interviewing applicants. Close your eyes and imagine someone nervous walking in, and you want to help put him or her at ease.
What do you do?
You smile, introduce yourself, ask them to sit down, ask if they found your place OK, etc.
Your first question might be "Tell me a little about yourself" and the second might be "Why do you want to work here?"
As long as you can stay pleasant, and impart an air of happy eagerness of wanting to work there more than anything in the world, you are more than half way there.

One thing you can do is say a sentence or two FIRST, instead of waiting to be asked.
Research the place (if you haven't already) and say "I just want to say first of all how much I admire your organization, because _______________. It would mean a lot to me to volunteer here."

Mar 7, 2016, 08:53 AM
Nervousness before an event is a sign your body is ready to perform. Top athletes and entertainers are always nervous before they actually take to the field or stage. If you are prepared as you can be then get a pre event ritual like grooming and dressing, meditation, or some other activity to get you comfortable until the action starts.

I like to be on site early and get use to the environment and get a sense of the lay of the land for example but whatever makes you comfortable is cool. Is this your first interview? If not, how have you handled other ones.