View Full Version : How do our brain stores images/events/memories?

Mar 3, 2016, 05:19 AM

I have done some online research through which I learnt glimpse of how our brain can capture memories. Although, I am not aware of how it gets stored in our brain and we can recall the memories. Some memories fade and some stay still in our mind. So what exactly is it with our brain that can store memories like events and images?
Thanks for reading! :)


Mar 3, 2016, 09:07 AM
No one really knows how memory is stored. I can remember finding a Turtle when I was very young, 70 years ago and can't remember someone's name I just met. Depends on the memories, short vs long term. It appears short term memory is stored in one place and if we refer to that memory on numerous occasions, it goes to another part. I haven't used the Pythagorean theorem in a couple of years but still remember how it works and the ratios, 3-4-5. Watch "Jeopardy" and see how many things people can recall on an instantaneous basis.

Mar 3, 2016, 05:07 PM
I recall that this is a good read Memory Storage - Memory Processes - The Human Memory (http://www.human-memory.net/processes_storage.html)