View Full Version : Heater or Thermostat?

2355 Lessley
Jan 10, 2016, 02:11 PM
I have a 70 year old house with wall heaters with a 9501H thermostat I had a new Williams heater that has an automatic venting shut off guard maybe two years old). I had the attic insulated this summer. PG& E inspected the heater the first time it shut off and they said the venting was the problem. Called in insulators back and they said they needed to clear away their product, it was to close and that worked for a bit. Now that it's freezing in California (Yeah) the heater is more active. Well now it does not come on for 15 min to and hour. Is this the heater for the thermostat. I put it on 80 and wait the reduce it to 70. Help