View Full Version : Clogged drains

Jan 4, 2016, 01:08 PM
My kitchen sinks (double sink) are draining into the bathroom sink I have tried the hot water I have plunged for a long time, and I have removed the traps under each sink they were clear. I made sure to cover the other sinks when I plunged and nothing has helped. The water is not backing up into my tub. Thank Goodness

Jan 4, 2016, 01:46 PM
I would snake the drain at the bathroom sink... closest to the blockage, so will need less snake. If it is easier to access the drains at the kitchen sink then snake the drain from there. Be aware that there is a vent pipe in between all this and sometimes the snake will go UP the vent instead of down the drain. In this case, you simply need to snake the drain multiple times and the snake will eventually go down the drain. You should not need to snake any farther then the distance from the snake to the toilet (approximately).
