View Full Version : Off birth control

Oct 27, 2015, 06:32 PM
I just got off the depo shot aug 22 (that was the date I was supposed to get it again but didnt) I bled on and off for three weeks so my last real period was sept 12-16 I have not bled since its been 41 days and I've taken pregnancy tests all come out negative is this normal?

Oct 27, 2015, 10:22 PM
The issue of "normal" there is really no normal, different people react differently but it is not uncommon for your body to need time to adjust to its normal cycle.
Also what is a normal cycle (hard to tell yet) 28 days, 25 days, 30 days??
So you could be as little as 10 days late, which would in fact often be too early to test.

Best to wait about another week, and do a test once a week for a few weeks, if no period comes.

Oct 28, 2015, 07:21 AM
I just got off the depo shot aug 22 (that was the date I was supposed to get it again but didnt) I bled on and off for three weeks so my last real period was sept 12-16 I have not bled since its been 41 days and I've taken pregnancy tests all come out negative is this normal?

Chuck got it right. I just need to add my two bits.

Depo is one of the more effective birthcontrols but due to its nature it takes a REALLY long time to leave your system and a long time for your system to start regulating your cycle again. How long where you on Depo beforehand?

You're going to have messed up cycles for the next few months to a year. Are you trying to conceive? If not I would start looking at another form of birthcontrol, maybe condoms?