View Full Version : Binge drinking

Jun 25, 2015, 06:30 PM
I had a . 2 BAC by my calculations at 2AM Sat. My BAC would have been zero by 5PM Saturday on the longer end. My ETG test was 6pm Weds, 99 hours after zero BAC. What do you estimate my odds of passing are? It was one night of binge drinking, but I can tolerate a lot of alcohol when I do drink, maybe once weekly these days.

Jun 25, 2015, 09:02 PM
Is this your first test? Binge drinkers seldom pass many tests.

Jun 26, 2015, 07:49 AM
The tests are rated to 60-80 after consumption. The problem is, and this answer is well rehearsed because a lot of people will drink even though they've accepted legally binding contracts to stay sober, that is based upon the averages of the tests as they've been developed and might have precious little to do with you whatsoever. So heavy drinkers, i.e. weekly binge drinkers in your case, tend to have EtG/EtS in their system for longer then casual drinkers. There is also personal differences that are based upon your genetics and what you've trained your body to do. You could just be a massive metaboliser and as such will test positive a week after, or not.

There is also what you've done afterwards, i.e. drank a LOT of water, or done something else to try to cheat the test. That could cause a failure not for alcohol detection but for dilution and inability to give a conclusive result; which is usually defined as a failure.

What are your odds? Reasonable for a pass but wouldn't be surprised for a fail either. Regardless you should do one of two things:
1) Put your affairs in order such that if you fail you won't have a lot of work to do when you fail. It's going to catch up to you eventually.
2). Get help. AA or some other program to get yourself to a point where you don't need to or want to drink for the duration of your enforced sobriety.