View Full Version : Trampoline Waiver

Apr 10, 2007, 07:50 AM
I own a small day care business. We just got a trampoline. Is it legal for me to let my daycare kids use it? And if it is, where can I get a waiver form?

Apr 10, 2007, 10:15 AM
Your waiver form will not protect you. A minor can not sign a form and his parents can not sign away the rights of a minor. You are open to suit in accident/injury. You should discuss this with your insurance carrier who will probably advise you to remove the tramp.

Apr 10, 2007, 10:57 AM
First you understand that even if you are not home and a neighbor chid comes into your yard and gets hurt, you can be libel. Most home owners insurance would require you to have it fensed if they were going to pay off on any damges, so you may find yourself not covered if someone is hurt.

And I can not believe any day care liability insurance ( I am sure you have liablity insurance on your business, or at least a rider on your home owners policy) would not cover the danger invovled in one with home day care.

This is just a law suit ready to happen.

May 3, 2012, 06:40 AM
We have one in our yard I bought mine here:
