View Full Version : Poor choice, am I in trouble?

Jan 2, 2015, 10:25 PM
I'm part of an outpatient program for my probation and I had a question about the likely hood of getting in trouble because of a mental gaffe I made this weekend. I'm not an addict and rarely ever drink but I went out with friends for the new years and got coerced into drinking and now I'm extremely worried (alcohol is not a problem of mine and I rarely ever think about it, which is why I made this mistake to begin with) I drank 3 IPA's (around 6% alcohol) on Friday night. If my worst case scenario comes true and I have to give a specimen on Monday around 3pm will I be in trouble of failing? Im a 24 yr old male weighing approx. 150lbs that consumes around 2-3 quarts of water daily with a regular habit for exercise and a healthy diet, with no other drug usage. I am also 6'1 with body fat around 7 and a full bill of health.

Thanks in advance!

Jan 3, 2015, 09:41 AM
Oh, those buddies who coerce and just won't take no for an answer....

Have you been drinking a lot of fluids or doing other stuff to dilute? I hope not.

What do you stand to lose if the test is positive?

Jan 3, 2015, 09:58 AM
You were coerced? Did they hold you down and pour the alcohol down your throat? You knew the terms of your program but you CHOSE to ignore them. You weren't coerced, you made a conscious decision.

If you weren't an addict you wouldn't be in a "program" of any sort, alcohol just may not have been your addiction of choice.

Jan 3, 2015, 12:49 PM
So I used to be quite the drinker...I led the life of a rockstar without the money. When my daughter came along, I decided to stop doing that and now I will have a few beers a year. I doubt it even totals a full 12 pack in a year. But anyway, on to my point...I have friends who have still not grown up (we're in our 40's). I would hang out with them and they would sit there and talk crap at me and try everything they could do to get me to drink again even though they knew that I no longer wanted that kind of life for myself. One day I decided that they really were not friends if they couldn't respect that I didn't want to be like that anymore...so I distanced myself from them. Point is, people cannot coerce you into drinking if you will not let them. Take from that what you want.

Based on what you have told us, you will probably pass. It's not definite but you have a good chance of passing. As has been pointed out though, usually you are not part of an outpatient program unless you have reason to be...since you are part of this program, you and your friends should respect the terms of it before you wind up on the losing/failing end of it.

Jan 3, 2015, 01:01 PM
You started out good here, saying you made a mental gaffe.
Then you launched right into addict mentality, regardless of what your addiction is. Coerced and not an addict are just the obvious ones. The subtle one is calling your 3 drinks a mistake. A mistake is when you drop your car keys down a storm drain or slip on ice. You didn't sit there watching your robotic arm go rogue on you because of programming it wrong.

Jan 3, 2015, 08:02 PM
Not trying to be overly defensive here, but yes I was "coerced" and you right it ultimately was a conscience decision, I knew the risks and I took them anyway. The outpatient program is a requirement of my probation which is the result of a poor decision as well. From an outsider's point of view I can certainly see how a string of poor decisions can be interpreted as an addiction, but an opinion on my character was not was I came in search of. I do not intend to have a conversation over what others think of my behavior, so I'm not going to dive into my justifications. All I simply wanted to know was; from a medical standpoint what does the outcome look like? I have no previous exposure to this situation as I have abstained from mind-altering substances for the entirety of my year and a half probation. Also my friends are unaware of my probation as we don't normally find ourselves in situations that would challenge it, and they also lead stable lives with healthy relationships (everything in moderation). Thank you to those that responded to the question, I appreciate it.

Jan 3, 2015, 08:33 PM
Everybody who comes to this forum gets defensive because they are scared and want answers only the tester can give. All strangers can do is give you probability. We don't know you, your habits, or history, so understand the skepticism because we all have been exposed to people trying to cheat on these tests, or manipulative drunks.

More important are the acceptable levels of passing as likely some level of alcohol use MAY be detected. It's a crap shoot, but I hope you learned a lesson about pleasing your friends and causing you all this stress of screwing up. I have been on both sides of these test, so I feel you! Peer pressure is a real beetch.

Please let us know the outcome of your test. Good Luck!