View Full Version : EtG test

Aug 26, 2014, 10:15 AM
Hi. If I had a 20 oz beer, 12 oz beer and 3 16 oz beers. All of Miller Light am I likely to pass an EtG test I took 90 hours later? I drank the 80 oz listed above from 6-9pm on Thursday and also had one 12 oz miller light on Friday at 6 pm. I tested at 3 pm the following Monday. Do you think id be OK with 90 hours from the beers on Thursday and about 65 from the beer Friday? Thank you

Aug 26, 2014, 10:24 AM
You should be okay, but you still might test positive depending on your physiology. What happens if you fail?

Aug 26, 2014, 12:39 PM
I don't know what would Happen. I did pass drinking a Friday 1-5 pm 4 16 oz beers as tested the following Monday at noon. Passed that 69 hours after 64 oz. any insight?

Aug 26, 2014, 12:47 PM
There is no way to say for sure. That's the problem. The test is rated to detect alcohol between 60-80 hours after consumption. That being said there have been people who have passed under 60 hours and have failed after consuming 80+ hours. If you go with the accept test values than you should be fine, but there is a slim chance you will fail.

My question of "If you fail what happens?" Is mostly to ascertain whether this is a forced prohibition or voluntary, and it if is forced than why is no alcohol consumption being enforced. Is it an employment thing? Probation? Custody? As well to put the idea of, "If I am not supposed to drink than what am I drinking?" into your head. The easiest way to pass these tests is to not drink before hand.

Aug 26, 2014, 12:55 PM
Your right.

Aug 26, 2014, 01:01 PM
Your right.

Of course I am right. The problem is that it isn't always that easy or that black and white. If you're having problems with not drinking there are many support groups that can help. AA isn't a life long commitment. Most of these prohibitions have an expiry date on them, so you just need to get to that point.

Regardless the dice have been cast. Good luck. If you continue to play the games you are than you will be caught eventually.

Aug 26, 2014, 02:19 PM
I am not having a problem drinking. This was one time I had about 7 beers in a 3 hour time frame and was tested 90 hours later. Jus looking for some opinions and feedback. Appreciate the messages.

Aug 26, 2014, 02:25 PM
I am not having a problem drinking. This was one time I had about 7 beers in a 3 hour time frame and was tested 90 hours later. Jus looking for some opinions and feedback. Appreciate the messages.

This isn't one time, you mentioned it here also:

I don't know what would Happen. I did pass drinking a Friday 1-5 pm 4 16 oz beers as tested the following Monday at noon. Passed that 69 hours after 64 oz. any insight?

If you are required not to drink, and you keep taking chances anyway, it is a problem and eventually you will get caught. This is what Craven is trying to tell you.

Aug 26, 2014, 02:30 PM
Your right there was that time too. I'm not taking chances anymore we'll see what happens. Thank you.

Aug 27, 2014, 06:15 AM
I am not having a problem drinking. This was one time I had about 7 beers in a 3 hour time frame and was tested 90 hours later. Jus looking for some opinions and feedback. Appreciate the messages.

You are not having a problem drinking. That is the problem. A bit of a play on words but hear me out.

For whatever reason, as you haven't shared and that is your prerogative, you are not allowed to drink for a certain period. Two ways to approach this is to one, not drink or trying to be smart about it, drink, and hope you don't get caught. Now a bit of psychology, a REALLY small bit. A person is going to try to get away with whatever they can if no one knows. You find a $100 bill and instead of figuring out whose $100 this is you will pocket it. It is something that you will face no consequences for and will feel no guilt for. This is key. As soon as you humanize the act, for example seeing a mother who's scrapping by trying to feed two kids drop money you're more likely to give it back to her. You can get away with it by pocketing it, but you will feel guilt because you know who it belongs to. You're more likely to give it back to her.

The same goes for you. You believe that you can get away with it so you will. This is also instinctual rather than intellectual. You have a positive pleasure response from drinking, you believe that you can outsmart the people testing it and so you drink. The intellectual part hasn't really chimed in and said, "Well if you don't drink you will pass all the tests and come ## years in the future you will reap the benefits of not drinking now by getting (drivers license back, promotion, custody of your kids, criminal record expunged, ad nauseum)". Your brain is stuck on the instant gratification of getting your drink and pleasure response of it now rather than the potential future gains. So biology is against you in this case and that is fine. You need to realize this and figure out for yourself whether this is the proper course of action. Does instant gratification now win out over future gains.

An interesting study has shown that most people, given the option of one cookie now or two cookies in a day will choose one cookie now. You're in the same boat.

I personally don't care whether you drink and whether you pass. What I care about is putting a seed of thought in your brain that will make you think about this. Good luck.