View Full Version : Will I pass an EtG test approximately 71 hours from believed BAC 0.. 80 fromlastdrink

Aug 18, 2014, 01:03 AM
Have possible EtG Monday at 11am. Last drink was about 2-3am Friday morning, and believe BAC to be 0 at around noon Friday. Giving me about 71 hours from bac 0 and 80 from last drink. Had many drinks from Thursday 1am to Friday 3am. Any information would be helpful

Aug 18, 2014, 05:17 AM
WHat happens, happens. You put yourself in this situation by drinking when you were prohibited from drinking.

Apparently the consequences of failing a test didn't mean so much to you then so why are you sweating about it now? If they test you, the results are going to be what they are going to be.. pass or fail and no amount of stressing is going to change it.

Aug 19, 2014, 06:05 AM
It honestly depends on how much you drank, If you drank a lot, 8+ drinks for example, than maybe not but if it was only a couple, 2-3, than you should be fine. It also hinges on how well you metabolism and eliminate the compounds being test for and if you try to cheat the system. Remember if you try to cheat the system you will be caught eventually, these people are smart and more persistent than you as well when you gamble you will eventually lose.

Good luck.