View Full Version : Continue run after three way switch

Jul 12, 2014, 07:23 AM
I have a three way switch wired like the diagram below. Is there any way I can continue to run the power to other outlets from the switch on the right (at the end of the run)? If not, is there any way to rewire this so that I can? Thanks!

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Jul 12, 2014, 11:15 AM
I receive this message when trying to open the link: ""You have attempted to view a Attachment that no longer is available. Please click one of the links in the menu to continue."
I can't view your attachment but it is probable that you do not have a neutral in the switch location. And if you do have a neutral, you need to have access to the conductor that is always hot, unless you want the outlet to be switched like the other fixtures controlled by the switches. There are different ways that the system may have been wired such as does the power from the panel come to the light first or to one of the switches first. If the power comes to the switch near where you want to install an independent, always powered outlet you may be able to get the power from that box (if it is large enough to accept more conductors, or if you can install a large box if required).