View Full Version : Clean Greasy Pipes

Mar 31, 2007, 10:34 AM
How do you clean clogged greasy pipes and how do you maintain them once they are clean.

Mar 31, 2007, 10:43 AM
I suggested moving this to the plumbing forum. One thing I think everybody will agree on is that if you have a septic tank, the less grease you put down the drains, the better.

Mar 31, 2007, 10:59 AM
Effectively moved to plumbing as introductions is the board where we introduce ourselves to the community rather than ask questions

Hopefully one of our wonderful plumbing people like Speedball will be here shortly to answer your question.

Mar 31, 2007, 01:38 PM
how do you clean clogged greasy pipes and how do you mantain them once they are clean.
I've said this many times. " I am no fan of putting harsh chemicals down your drainage system. Besides, they only seem to work in TV commercials."
Having said that boiling water and bleach will keep your drains smelling sweet and clean. For those stinky drains pour a half gallon of bleach down the drain at bedtime. Next morning, (and this is important) flush the drain out with a few large pans of boiling water. The bleach will work on hair and grease to loosen it while you sleep and the boiling water will melt what's left and flush it out to the main. Do this on every drain that you wish to clean and your drainage system will thank you by smelling sweet. Regards, Tom