View Full Version : Why does my pregnant ex wife call and vent to me?

Nov 24, 2013, 01:38 PM
My pregnant ex wife calls and vents to me about what's going on in her life and her new boyfriend. She ask to hang out... ask to stay over at my place? Is it because she is trying to keep me around emotionally or make me mad?

Nov 25, 2013, 02:14 PM
She's doing this because you let her.

She is an ex wife!

That is a different ballpark entirely to even being friends with her- and I presume the baby is not yours, right?

Change your phone number, block her access to your email/facebook, etc. and let her go.

If there is a rope, she will hang onto it, obviously. Let it go, move on.

Nov 26, 2013, 06:41 AM
I find this inappropriate on both your parts, but you don't have to be her safety net, or emotional tampon, unless you allow it. I think its a very bad idea, for whatever reason, to even be involved in your pregnant ex wife new relationship in any shape, form, or fashion.

Nov 26, 2013, 07:11 AM
'Is it because she is trying to keep me around emotionally or make me mad?'

Usually because the new relationship isn't going well, and she wants to keep one foot in your door. That and pregnancy hormones, maybe. I'm not sure how we total strangers are supposed to know what her motives are. Presumably you know her pretty well? Or not...

Dec 11, 2013, 10:54 AM
Are you in a new relationship? She may just want another mans opinion... Have you asked her why she comes to you with her relationship problems?