View Full Version : What Is Wrong With My Kitten?

Oct 11, 2013, 08:06 AM
My kitten is 12-14 weeks old and is female. Recently, I have noticed a little blood on her genitals and black blood clots on her fur around it too. My other kitten (female, 7 months old) gets this when she is in heat but has always been fine even the vet said if she eats and she's happy just keep an eye on her.

My younger kitten is also eating and playing all the time, doesn't seem to have anything wrong with her, I took her to RSPCA free cat check up day about 3 weeks ago and she was healthy apart from diarheea which is better now thanks to some medication the vet gave her.

I am very worried, but the problem is now I cannot afford to see a vet about this because of recent money problems (can still afford to feed them though) and there isn't another free check up day for months now.

Any advice would be appreciated, she doesn't have it all the time and she's too young to be in heat. Also she doesn't have a UTI. She was taken from her mother at 6 weeks old (which is shocking but we didn't know at the time).

Thanks :)

Oct 11, 2013, 05:26 PM
Have you looked for any small wounds that may have occurred while they were playing?

Oct 11, 2013, 09:51 PM
Nothing wrong with taking a kitten from the queen at six weeks. Kittens can be introduced to canned food at five weeks.

They are not weaned the same as dogs.

Oct 12, 2013, 05:15 AM
No, no wounds at all she looks healthy but it got me worried seeing blood in that area. I've also been told by the vet that she was took from her mother too early because it affected her emotionally. She's a rather timid cat and sometimes even hisses at her toys and runs away from anything so it could be stress related but she's in a loving home and is getting used to us slowly.

Thanks for the answers :)

Oct 12, 2013, 06:06 AM
It would be unusual because cats usually have their first heat cycle at about 6 months of age, some not until 1 year of age, but cats have been known to go into first heat as early as 16 weeks, leading me to ask if you are certain of her age? And if she is showing other signs of being in heat? Like verbalizing, overly affectionate, rolling and rubbing.
Of course I can't state that for certain.
I'm curious as to the stating of not having a UTI, has she had a urine check?

Oct 12, 2013, 02:24 PM
She had one three weeks ago and was clear, cannot afford one at this moment in time though again.

She doesn't have any signs of heat or a UTI anyway. She seems normal; today there was no blood at all it's just every other day or so