View Full Version : Stress and Surgery

Mar 28, 2007, 06:48 PM
I am going in for a hysterectomy in two weeks, and my boss has been evil to me since I told him I would be missing 2 1/2 weeks for the surgery and to recover. He is abusive and demeaning everyday, but he always waits until right before I go home, so I am upset when I leave. I fully believe he is a control freak who knows he has me by the shorts and is getting off on torturing me. Berating me in front of co-workers, picking apart my work and making up things to yell at me for. He knows I am the sole supporter of my household, as my husband is disabled. He also knows I need my medical insurance. I am supposed to go in for the surgery on a Wednesday, and I planned on working the 2 days before. Now with this additional stress my husband wants me to take that Monday and Tuesday off too. We both know that stress slows the healing process and he is afraid if I am over stressed I won't heal properly. I'm at my wits end. Anyone got any suggestions?

Mar 28, 2007, 07:05 PM
After you get done with surgary, and are better, get your resume out and find a better place to work.

If you work for a large company, file a complaint with HR or his manager.

20 years ago bosses could yell at employee and pick on them, but in today's society, they can not create a hostile work astmosphere