View Full Version : Attending party where people use marijuana

Sep 17, 2013, 07:08 PM
I don't use marijuana and I don't have a problem with people who do. If you are at a party where other people are smoking and you are not and the place get raided by police, can people who are not using drugs get charged with any offence? I'm from Canada.

Sep 17, 2013, 07:13 PM
You will get taken in with everyone, booked and possibly spend a night in jail. You will have to prove you weren't and probably have to take random drug tests. You aren't going to get to just walk away because you weren't, it doesn't work that way.

Sep 18, 2013, 05:31 AM
Hello e:

Back in 1972, the cops thought terrible things were going on at a marijuana party, and would, absolutely raid it. Today, I'll bet everything I own, that if the cops were called about people smoking pot at a party, they'd hang up.

Now, IF in 2013, cops would actually raid a pot party, the cops are drug warriors in the EXTREME, and EVERYBODY will be charged with possession of NARCOTICS... Real drug warriors call pot NARCOTICS, and they say it with a sneer.


Sep 18, 2013, 06:13 AM
Depends on why the cops are there. Were they called by neighbors, do they know the people who live there (past dealings with them), are the people in the house trying to push the cops buttons and are the people in the house underage or on probation? Those are some of the situations that may cause the cops to start handing out tickets or arresting people.
USUALLY if the party is causing no problems, people are respectful to cops and have no dealings with them they will take the pot and may give you a ticket. If people claim the pot that usually lets the others off the hook. Pot smoking is not thought of as that big of a deal anymore, unless you have so much that it can be considered dealing. I forget the exact amount for that. Heck on 420 they have public gatherings and people are smoking nothing happens unless you are being a jerk about it.

Sep 18, 2013, 08:00 AM
Exxon is right that America does not raid for a simple pot party. There has to be something bigger behind it for them to bother. You being in Canada I don't know how strict they are, but if they DO, you aren't simply going to leave.

Sep 18, 2013, 10:00 AM
Thanks, I don't hang around with known dealers or troublemakers, but a few times a year I go to barbecues with old high school friends and once in a while, someone will smoke a joint in the backyard. No problems so far because we're pretty quiet, but I'm worried that some self-righteous busybody next door might call the cops one time.