View Full Version : Slow draining tub, bubbling toilet

Sep 12, 2013, 08:00 AM
About a year ago, I had the plumbing re done in my house, everything has worked great until now. The tub has been very slow to drain, and at the same time the toilet will bubble. That happened after two showers at night and after letting it drain over night, there were no flushing or draining issues the next morning. The Next morning after showers the issue crept up again. Am I dealing with a blocked line or blocked vent pipe? Another note, the old house was remodeled from old cast iron drains to PVC drains, except vent pipes were left cast iron.

I'm a little frustrated but it's nothing money can't fix I guess... :)

Thanks in advance


Sep 12, 2013, 08:29 AM
Bubbles indicate blowback from a partial blockage. You do have options here.
You can pull the toilet and snake from there, you can also snake from the tub overflow or you can also snake from the lavatory roof vent. Let me know how you make out.
Good luck, Tom

Sep 12, 2013, 08:43 AM
Thanks Tom,

I will likely remove the toilet last. And start with the tub vent. I'll keep you posted!

Sep 12, 2013, 09:54 AM
Let me show you how to snake from the tub overflow.
Unscrew and remove the overflow plate,(The one with the drain lever) and pull out the tub stopper. You now have a clear shot at the trap. The way you were going in through the drain it ran you square into a tee that you can't get around. Now feed the cable( 1/4" best or 3/3" with a small tip. You can rent a Ridgid K50 sink cable.) About 2' down you will run into the bend of the trap. Crank and push at the same time to work around it. Your blockage will be found in the lateral pipe going to the stack. You shouldn't have to put out more then 10 or 12 feet. I have found tub and shower clogs to be mostly hair and the worm should auger into it and pull it back. After you snake pour a few pans of boiling water down the drain. This will loosen the grease and flush the mess out into the main. Hope this helps and thank you for rating my reply. TOM

Sep 12, 2013, 07:10 PM
I started by first checking the outside clean out. I got lucky and found that the clog was in the main line after the clean out! I'm not equipped to clean the line properly, so the pros come in the am. Thank you for your help!

OH BOY! Turns out I have roughly 50 feet of CLAY PIPE to replace... Darn Tree roots...