View Full Version : Foster Care

Sep 1, 2013, 11:48 AM
Hey, I am 13 years of age & I cannot take another day at my house. In October Of 2012 my mother met a guy online & he told her that he was a manager of some duplexes so we moved up here. I live in the middle of nowhere. I can't stand it any more. My mom can't drive due to Epilepsy. But, that is not the reason I want to go to foster care. The reason I want to go into foster care is because my mother is on a online "dating site" I guess you can call it but one day I came home from school and she had a hickey on her neck. My mother isn't the youngest person out there thoo (50 years old) . Well anyway, she is going on these sites and talking to men she doesn't even know. I don't have anything against people that are doing that but I have a feeling she is giving these men our address & one of them gave her a hickey (that she tried hiding) . Im very scared of my safety because of that reason. That is one reason why I want to be in foster care . The next reason I want to go into foster care is because my mother spends no time with me as if she doesn't want me to be in her presence anymore! Im just tiered of it ! Im getting to the point where I don't even want to liv anymore . If there is anyone who can help me , please please please write back! Also I forgot to say , the man my mother met online , he called her his "hot wife" & they didn't even know each other for a month! But anyway back to what I was talking about, she had to have sex with any man he told her to & she was a "slut, whore" and stuff like that. He made her cards that she would have to give out cards to pizza delivery guys , cashiers at stores and things like that . The cards had her name , email address , & it said " come on me, come in me" that's not all it said but I don't remember the rest. Please please please please if there is anyone that can help , please write back! Thank You! Btw, iLive In Florida.

Sep 1, 2013, 11:51 AM
& Also My father passed away when I was only 4 years old. & I have no other family

Sep 1, 2013, 11:58 AM
Short of talking to a school counselor or calling CPS there is no other way you can leave.

Sep 1, 2013, 11:59 AM
Thank Youu!

Sep 1, 2013, 12:33 PM
Do you realize what you're getting yourself into? Foster care is rough. Most of the people that take in foster kids, do it for the extra income they get from the government. There's usually a house full of kids. If you're looking for love and attention, a family, you won't find it in the foster care system.

Bottom line, if you're being abused at home, CPS needs to be involved. They will determine if it's safe for you to live there. If not, you will be removed from the home and put into foster care. Once you're in the system, that's where you'll stay until you're 18. There's no deciding that you don't like foster care (I don't know one child that has liked foster care) and going back to mom. Once this is done, that's it, you'll be there for the next 5 years. You'll likely be moved from one home to the next. It won't give you what I think you really want, a family.

I don't think you've though this through completely.

Sep 1, 2013, 12:39 PM
As a counselor, I've dealt with families in crisis and with kids in foster homes. Alty is correct. No child I have ever met liked being in a foster home.

Sep 1, 2013, 12:45 PM
It sounds as though your mother is prostituting herself. This is note a safe environment for you to be in. You need to tell a school counselor.

If you are removed, you will be placed in foster care, but that's not always a five year sentence. There most likely will be a program in place to counsel and rehabilitate your mother. Once she shows that she can provide a safe environment, it's possible that you will be returned to her care.

Sep 1, 2013, 12:49 PM
That's what I'm thinking, this guy made a prostitution deal with her that involved that she can move in his complex

Sep 1, 2013, 01:49 PM

Sep 1, 2013, 01:51 PM
Idkk? What does that mean?

Sep 1, 2013, 01:53 PM
IDont Know

Sep 1, 2013, 01:54 PM
You don't know what?