View Full Version : Background check

Aug 31, 2013, 08:14 AM
I was falsely accused of a crime about two years ago I was arrested, and fingerprinted. I hired a lawyer and pleaded not guilty. I was never convicted. I am going for a teachers position in my town they are running a fingerprinted background check. I checked the court records for the state of Ct where this happened it shows nothing when I put in my name, however it just shows pending cases, and convictions only. Will my arrest show up on the report, even though I was never convicted. This is driving me nuts. Ihave been a teacher for over 25 years and would really like to go back to work as a teacher. Help...

AK lawyer
Aug 31, 2013, 08:26 AM
Unless the case file has been expunged, it should show when one looks for cases involving you. I suspect that you made a research error, or the case was mistakenly not listed.

Did you check the court's electronic database? If, as you suggest, it only shows pending cases and convictions, one doing a background check would have to actually go to the courthouse and check the records but, by doing so, they will find the record.

You should, if asked in your employment application, admit that you were charged and explain that you were not guilty and were not convicted.

Aug 31, 2013, 08:28 AM
Depends on how thorough a check is done. Normally a check only shows convictions, but they may do a more thorough one. It may also depend on what the arrest was for.

I'm guessing here that you lost your job over this arrest. In that case it is likely that it will come out. If you haven't told the school about it, I would and show the results. Were charges dismissed or were you found not guilty?