View Full Version : In need of answers-Probation

Mar 26, 2007, 11:40 PM
Ohh yeah this is my first post, I hadn't got the posting method down yet. Yeah the question was what if your on probation for drunk in public, probation is terminated in a week, and a NCIC check is sent out to make sure you haven't been in any trouble. In that week you were arrested for disorderly and it was dismissed before the check returned to the probate department. These occurrences happened in separate states and the arresting state=no knowledge of probation, probate state=no knowledge of arrest. When this final check returns will the arrest show up, or does it depend on states as far as reporting a disorderly to the national level, or even their processing procedures? I am trying to get some information for the roomy so that he can relax, at least now he realizes he has a problem and is avoiding alcohol altogether-Loving the AA meetings I guess... Makes him much easier to live with. Is their any advice for this guy?

Mar 27, 2007, 07:15 AM
Hello chuck:

Will a recent arrest in another state show up even though the charge was dismissed? Yes, it will. Will his PO violate him? I'll bet they will.


Mar 27, 2007, 06:05 PM
Hello again, chuck:

Whacha doing? Leave your question alone. If you're in need of answers, stop messing around.


Mar 27, 2007, 08:27 PM
Ohh yeah this is my first post, I hadn't got the posting method down yet. Yeah the question was what if your on probation for drunk in public, probation is terminated in a week, and a NCIC check is sent out to make sure you haven't been in any trouble. In that week you were arrested for disorderly and it was dismissed before the check returned to the probate department. These occurances happened in seperate states and the arresting state=no knowledge of probation, probate state=no knowledge of arrest. When this final check returns will the arrest show up, or does it depend on states as far as reporting a disorderly to the national level, or even their processing procedures? I am trying to get some information for the roomy so that he can relax, at least now he realizes he has a problem and is avoiding alcohol altogether-Loving the AA meetings I guess....Makes him much easier to live with. Is their any advice for this guy?
Sorry Excon

Mar 28, 2007, 10:38 PM
If you are being sued by a hospital and are on probation can you be violated?

Mar 29, 2007, 05:40 AM
Hello donna:



Mar 29, 2007, 11:22 PM
Never mind, his probation was done by then... thanks anyway guys

Mar 30, 2007, 06:43 AM
I am totally lost, but anyway, a NCIC check will show any arrest made to another police department or court doing a check. If the police department uses the computerised system it is in there in about 1 min after you are finger printed, if they don't it is in there at the time the clerk types it into the system, which is suppose to be before that shift ends.

It is a nation wide system, so anyone viewing it from any state will see it.