View Full Version : Parental rights in Missouri

Aug 9, 2013, 11:10 AM
My husband was awarded 50/50 visitation of his children in March of 2013. This means every other week and no child support. This was working good until his son turned 15 a few weeks ago. Now the mother has filed modification papers again stating she wants the children back full time with her and now to have her child support restarted. Along with this his son has changed his attitude and now decided that he no longer wants to come and visit that he doesn't want anything to do with his father. So now we are back to a long legal battle and stress my husband has decided to give up his rights and let his mother have all responsibility of him financially and physical. How do we go about doing this in the state of MIssouri

Aug 9, 2013, 11:15 AM
The only right he can give up is the visitations but he will have to pay support.

Aug 9, 2013, 03:14 PM
There is a myth that a parent can just give up their rights and responsibilities to a child. But its only a myth. Don't know where you got the idea he could give up his rights, but it ain't going to happen. In some states, you can terminate rights but not responsibilities. So even if he did get a TPR, he would still owe support.

So, if his son doesn't want to visit and wants to live full time with mom, then he will have to pay support. He doesn't have to visit the child, but he' on the hook for support.