View Full Version : Virginia Court-Ordered Child Support

Jul 8, 2013, 02:32 PM
My husband was ordered to pay child support by the courts. Until we sent in a payment to DCSE - Virginia Department of Social Services and found out that the mother (custodial parent) had never registered with them, we didn't realize that the court would order support outside of the State system. We asked our lawyer why the courts would want us to pay support directly to her so that it can't be tracked? He has arrears as well. We would prefer that it go through DCSE and that they garnish his wages since he has another child here in KS that he pays support for through garnishment from the KS child Support system here.

Has anyone else ever heard of this?

Jul 8, 2013, 03:22 PM
I hope he at least demanded a DNA test be done to prove he's actually the father. Its not uncommon or unheard of that men get falsely accused of fathering children that DNA testing proves aren't theirs.

If he was proven to be the father... they will make him pay... irregardless of any other child support obligations. And if its not done early in the process... the State of VA won't let him argue against it in the future...

Jul 8, 2013, 04:19 PM
What makes you think the court ordered "support outside of the State system". In fact, most courts do not dictate how payments are made, only that they are made. State support collection agencies generally come into play only when a parent doesn't pay support.

The child's mother may not have registered because she knew your husband would stand up to his responsibilities and pay what was ordered. There is nothing wrong with him making payments directly to the custodial mother as long as there is a trail. He should pay by check, preferably an account used only to make the payments. Or use money orders. Payments should be marked as for child support.