View Full Version : What's my girl's problem with sex?

Jun 23, 2013, 04:53 PM
Good day everyone .

Me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years now. In the beginning she enjoyed sex a lot, and did a lot of things for me to feel good. But now she has some kind of a block, it’s hard to get her to have sex. And when she gets an orgasm, she just wants me to take on a condom and get done. There is no enjoyment for my part only hers.

If there is masturbating involved then it’s boring for her to do that on me, or to herself because she does not like that. And let’s take oral sex. When I give her oral sex she likes it or hates it and she is very shy about her body. 26 years old and afraid with intimacy. And when we have sex she always thinks about what do to, what to eat tomorrow and stuff like that. And gets a block really fast if there is no enjoyment for her.

What can we do? Hope someone can help me.

Jun 23, 2013, 05:54 PM
The lust for her is gone and its turned into a chore and obligation, so I can only suggest that less emphasis on sex and a lot more on romance, and fun, and talking together. You know developing other parts of the relationship.

At least over time then maybe your minds will reconnect and your bodies will follow.