View Full Version : My ex has a new girlfriend who hates me and harasses me.

Jun 17, 2013, 01:40 PM
My ex girlfriend has a new girlfriend who hates me. She harasses me on my cell and landline. Yesterday my ex calls and says I'm lying. She brought a phone blog with all incoming and out come calls. I don't have her number.

My ex said my name and info came up on her call list. My mom knows its her and I do too. How did she do this? My ex said she tried to delete and it didn't. It hurts so much when, I know its her. She said, when she gets done with me my ex will hate me. Please help.

Jun 17, 2013, 01:43 PM
What? Maybe the whole story and not just some piece of it would help us out here.

Jun 17, 2013, 02:19 PM
Agreed - please write so that we can understand.
I get the feeling she 'bought' not brought a phone list?
It makes me weary just hearing all about how your ex will hate you. That's her problem if she wants to listen to gossip. Drama, drama. Turn off your phone and have your mother pretend to be half deaf. What? What? She'll give up in a day.

Jun 17, 2013, 03:45 PM
Block her number like you should have done at the first incident.