View Full Version : Trust issues

Jun 9, 2013, 05:57 AM
My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me for about 2 months because he wanted to be single. I stopped talking to him then he started calling me and said he still loved me so we got back together. I love him and want to make it work but now I feel like I can't trust him. I always wonder when will be the next time he breaks up with me again? His friends also still treat him like he is single by talking about picking up girls around me. What should I do? How can I put that trust back into our relationship. - Jessica
Ps. We never have cheated on each other.

Jun 9, 2013, 06:49 AM
How old is each of you?
Trust in relationships really is difficult when in high school, for instance. That's one reason why exclusive relationships are discouraged. Likes, dislikes, opinions, etc. change on a dime.
In the early 20s, it's still difficult for many, for some of the same reasons. Conflict with goals, careers, school, jobs, where to live, what you want out of life.
If you are at an age where you are thinking more about the future than he is (which it sounds like he isn't at all, from the friends he hangs out with), then I would ask you - are you really sure you want this guy? I'd be hurt that he stands there letting his friends be so callous around you. Have you ever told him that it hurts?