View Full Version : I need some ones advice on my relationship, I'm so confused!

May 20, 2013, 10:32 PM
So, me and my boyfriend have been dating for about 9 months now. We have the kind of relationship were a love/hate kind of thing. One minute we're all in love and then the next minute were arguing and we hate each other. So you can only imagine the kind of ****. Anyway here recently I want to say within this past couple of weeks we got into the biggest argument we ever been in. I ended up breaking up with him and was very serious about the matter, because were forever breaking up and getting back together. Well I ended up breaking up with him and of course he does what he is good at doing and tries to sweet talk me into staying and I’m usually dumb enough to fall for it every single time. But I told him I basically needed time to think about things, well about 5 days went by with no communication, and we ended up getting back together.

Well not to long after we got in another big argument and it seems like this one had taken a big toll on are relationship he ended up ending things with me and we went back to not communicating at all he wouldn’t reply to any of my texts or calls. Eventually everything went back to somewhat normal and sees this is where I am very confused at, because we ended up getting back together after everything had blown over from all of our arguments. And now when I text him he won’t text me back AT All.

I believe the last text I received from him was about 4 or 5 days ago when I was supposed to call him and we were supposed to talk about everything that had been going on to try and move forward with our relationship and what not. He told me to call him in 30 minutes but he never answered when I called and since then he has not called me, he has not texted, he has not answered any of my calls or text. I’m so confused! I have no idea what the hell is going on?

May 21, 2013, 06:22 AM
Maybe he is just tired of all the back and forth.. You two need to move on.. obviously, you can't get along while being in a relationship. Get out of it while you two still has something... stay friends. Some people care for each other but better off as friends. If your relationship continues being back and forth you two can loose each other for good with no chance of friendship.

May 21, 2013, 06:35 AM
Why all the drama? Relationships are much more fun when you keep the drama out of it.

May 21, 2013, 08:51 AM
Break up to make up seldom works for long before one or the other gets so tired of it they just quit to break the cycle. Especially newer relationships and 9 months is pretty new. Long enough to get tired of the routine which ain't no fun.

Stop all the texting and calling and chasing, and recognize maybe this thing has run its course, and its at an end, and reflect on the reason for all those arguments, and the way they were handled. After a while, you won't be so confused that he has chosen not to respond to you.

Its pretty obvious to most of us your communications and conflict resolution skills are hugely not compatible, and the relationship was hectic, unstable at times, and vastly unhealthy, and no fun half the time. Matter of fact when the hate stuff kicked in, it was pretty miserable.

How old are you both? How long did you date before becoming an official relationship? What did you argue over? Maybe that explains it better.

May 21, 2013, 08:55 AM
I'm guessing another girl caught his eye.

Reading your first paragraph was just... exhausting. You wrote all that in order to tell us how serious you were about breaking up with him after the biggest fight ever, only to go on again about more fights and more break ups. I would break up with either one of you, truthfully. Take some time off from guys to get some sense of who you are and what you want to do in life without a man, because odds are that there WILL be times without one!