View Full Version : I drank a glass of wine 18 hrs before EtG test, chances of passing?

Apr 12, 2013, 06:45 PM
I am 34 yo female, thin(5'3, 98 lbs). I drank a glass of wine about 9 pm last night and had a preemployment alcohol screen at 4 pm today. I drank plenty of fluids, and my test sample was pretty clear as they let me drink a glass of water. What are my chances of passing? High, low?

Apr 14, 2013, 08:00 AM
You will fail. The by products of alcohol metabolization measured by the EtG remain in the body for about 80 hours. Any reason you drank before an EtG? Any thought to ask this question before drinking?

Apr 14, 2013, 08:05 AM
I should clarify... there will be evidence you had a glass of wine. However, if you are of age, there is likely an acceptable range as drinking is not illegal. If they didn't hire any adult who had one serving of alcohol on the weekend, that would eliminate most people.

Some people take these tests as a condition of seeing their kids for parenting time if staying sober is an issue, or as a condition of probation, and in these applications evidence of one drink can be considered a fail.